Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Rained all night and until 10:00 am EDT.  As soon as the rain let up, drove to NIAGARA FALLS.  Looking to walk, took the secondary roads, but it was not safe as the highways were like freeways or through the middle of downtown BUFFALO.

Arriving at the NIAGARA River, the entire town is isolated from the FALLS.  The FALLS have become such a tourist spot, no roadways go near them.  I could have parked near the river for $10.00, but instead found a spot many blocks away in the town of NIAGARA FALLS.  It was a 20 minute walk to find my way to the actual FALLS.

Last time I was here, the parking was next to the falls and they were very accessible...when was that?   Well, let's 1974. 

NIAGARA River as it approaches the precipice.

The water disappears into the chasm. 

A fence keeps everyone at least 30 feet from the water going over.  In 1974, one stood a mere couple feet away, the falling water seemingly to tug you down with it.

Like buying a ticket at the carnival.  One ticket gets you a half dozen vantage points, including the new cantilevered observation platform AND the river boat which sails into the rising mist , certain to soak everyone (Rain gear is available)

BUFFALO town street near the FALLS.

The NIAGARA River as it flows North toward Lake ONTARIO, where a massive works awaits...

NIAGARA Electrical Power Plant, largest in New York State.

Looking toward Lake Ontario.

* * * * * * * * * *

Drove out Route 104, looking for a place to park and begin walking.  Took 15 miles to find the CAMBRIA CAFE, where Owner SANDY whipped up a Egg Salad Sandwich...and allowed use of her WIFI.

Before closing at 2:30 pm, SANDY also showed me where SPIA could park over night.

Thank You, Sandy.

Is now 4:30 pm.  After posting, will walk BACK toward BUFFALO before listening to my pillows for the night.

A "circular" distributor stopped by to deliver papers.  During our ensueing chat, he suggested consideration to walk the ERIE CANAL South to the HUDSON River.  Will trace the ERIE Canal route, and if feasible, might just do so before driving back to the State of MAINE to begin our trek to KEY WEST.


  1. Let me know if you end up in Lockport-those are my old stomping grounds!! Glad things are going well!
    -Melissa (CSH Bellingham)

  2. Enjoyed the pic
    Dallas of wv
