Saturday, June 28, 2014


Two days ago, had arrangements to over night at WALMAET in BROCKPORT.

It was still early, so took a trip to the ERIE CANAL.

About to cross the Canal over the Lift Bridge, was asked by a lovely lady - surrounded by a bevy of young delightful women - the significance of my Safety Vest SENIORS WALKING AMERICA.  By the time I got it explained, I was invited to dinner...invited to stay overnight at BROCKPORT COLLEGE CAMPUS...was asked to join a "CAMP ABILITIES" week  

Dinner I accepted.
Overnight, I accepted
Would decide in the morning about CAMP ABILITIES.


Turns out CAMP ABILITIES is a camp week for the BLIND - DEAF, comprising 19 camps each year located around the World.


Downtown BROCKPORT, New York.

Please say HELLO to LAUREN, Founder and hands on organizer of CAMP ABILITIES camps world wide.

Dedicated to teaching BLIND "Campers" the fine arts of a series of Sports, including Track and Field, Swimming, Gymnasium, and Gymnastic events,  one of 60 volunteer - mostly exciting college students working on Advance degrees - are paired with one of 60 Campers.

In addition, Experts for each sport is on staff to assist Instructors and Campers on a Group by Group basis.  The Campers / Instructors are paired in four groups of 15.  At the end of Camp Week, Group Competitions are held.

Please say HELLO to STANLEY, Father of LAUREN.

Over dinner, I also met STANLEY's Grand Daughters and a couple Nieces, all of whom participate at some level for CAMP ABILITIES. 

20 years has gone into creating and refining CAMP ABILITIES.  Staff, including LAUREN, work as VOLUNTEERS, receiving NO compensation.  The entire organization world wide is supported by grants, contributions or Fund Raisers sponsored and executed by the Staff.

ERIE CANAL, BROCKPORT, New York, at dusk as we made our way to the ICE CREAM and CANDY store on the way to the Dormitory at the College.

Stanley and one of his support staff taking me to meet more staff and lead me to my room; a private room with sitting room and bathroom.  Appears that most rooms sleep four.

I was asked to address the entire Staff, Experts and Instructors at this morning's indoctrination meeting.

Difficult for me to follow all four groups today.  Training activities under the auspices of the Sport "Experts" included blindfolds covering the Instructors eyes...this to receive hands on training simulating being blind as the Campers  - for the most part - will be.

Instructors pairing off, taking turns wearing blind folds.

Small groups of 15 allow personal attention from the "Experts" who oversee training activities.

Tomorrow morning will include more indoctrination of the volunteer Experts and Instructors.

Around mid day the Campers arrive.  Lauren and Stanley have asked me to stay at least one more night to the opportunity for me to address them about SAM and ME.

I am in my room creating this update...when I would like to be with the Staff at a campus event at the football field.  Waiting for pictures to upload, I did my hand laundry.  Room looks like the AGEAN I on my 1999 - 2000 round-the-world-cruise...wet laundry hanging out to dry overnight.

Please say HELLO to SARAH, a lovely friend of LAUREN, who addressed me with sign SARAH is hearing impaired.

My Oh My (Seattle Mariners Announcers quote)...what a surprise and wonderful day.


  1. Bruce,

    Who is better to address the crowd, than you, with all your many years of experience, traveling the country, and experiencing most everything imaginable. There is so much knowledge in a man like you. :)

    The group was so fortunate to have have met you, and I am sure you were so fortunate to have met those many nice people.

    Enjoy your day, and your upcoming new experiences.
