Sunday, June 29, 2014


A slight change in plans this morning put me back on the road after breakfast with CAMP ABILITIES

Back to searching out Barns and other familiar features was a bit of a let down from intense personal contacts the past many hours.  So pleased to have been invited to share Camp Indoctrination...moments I shall not soon forget.

Parked SPIA at this Convenience Store a bit on the outskirts of BROCKPORT on Route 31 while I walked 4 hours (16 miles).

Drove closer to ROCHESTER, New York, but quickly entered city streets..totally unsuitable for walking.  Should have required 10 minutes to follow Route 31 cross town.  Became "LOST" three times because of unreadable road signs and unexpected Route 31 changes of direction.

Considered - but rejected - taking the Freeway Circle route.

Big mistake !

Finally re-found Route 31 and McDonald's WIFI in a Shopping Center, where tackled this update offering - meager as it is.  Again, positive from negative, a middle age lady stopped to chat which led us to taking lunch together...affording me the opportunity to pick up her tab.

Even got a Birthday HUG as she went on her way and I happily completed the update posting.

Lunch Lady, KAREN, did tell me of a WALMART some 5 miles distant on Route 31.

Route 31 approaching ROCHESTER, New York.


Not many barns in this region, but did manage to find this nice Red one.

* * * * * * * * * *

Now 3:00 pm EDT. 

Will attempt to Post, then drive to WALMART

My Bellingham bank helped resolve the blocking of my DEBIT CARD.  One month ago, received a new card, which came with a new PIN number.  After sctivating the new card, did not use that card again for 3 weeks.  When I finally ran it through ATM, I had forgotten about the new PIN number, causing repeated "DECLINE" messages; after two such DECLINE messages, VISA automatically put a HOLD on the card in an attempt to defeat fraud.

Cannot find or remember the new PIN., my  
remaining $$ continue to be blocked until the new pin reaches me.

Must put my mind to rest regarding the welcomed interaction with so many super folks the past couple days.  Re-visited the stress of LEAVING yet again.  Then KAREN the Lunch Lady also extended that "empty" feeling that remains after the final GOOD BYE.

Am on a mission.  Interludes are swell, but test my psychological stability a bit.

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