Monday, June 30, 2014

POST 1364; JUNE 30, 2014; NEWARK, NEW YORK

New York is getting hot and humid.

Last night was, I hope, typical in that a massive thunderstorm moved in as the Sun slipped beyond the horizon.  Lightning strikes reached out followed by earthshaking thunder.  One strike was right on top of SPIA...stunning blast of light simultaneous with SPIA rocking on her springs from the crash of thunder . 

Continuing for about one hour, the air cooled at least 30 did the humidity. 

...and the storm was gone as quickly as it appeared.

Bank informed me my DEBIT CARD PIN was in the mail.  They also suggested I could use the card as a CREDIT CARD, by-passing the DEBIT PIN.  Tried it to purchase Ice this morning at WALMART, and it worked just fine; so, I again have access to my meager remaining stipend .  Only three more days until SS $$ arrives at the bank. more thing.  Today I begin my 80th Year. 

I often tell folks that THIS MOMENT is my most important moment since my walk began.  I insist on making this moment the most important moment I have.  Decisions (or lack of decisions) may well result in success or failure - or something in between - , so I project that same reasoning to my age. 

Today I experience 1/365 of my 80th year on this Planet.  Tomorrow I will enjoy 2/365 of my 80th year.

I see no reason to claim 80 years only on day 365/365 of my 80th year.  I intend to make EACH day of my 80th year the most important as they occur.  Kinda like the reasoning that I have lived since 40 years ago...the day I mentally RETIRED, completing 40 years of RETIREMENT as of TODAY.

It's all a matter of perception.

I have already completed 40 years of RETIREMENT...quite a jump on those who waited...and so very many failed to experience the enjoyment of the reward(s) RETIREMENT brings.

Spent last night at WALMART in the town of MACEDON.  ERIE CANAL LOCK 30 is in MACEDON.

As $$ are somewhat short, have begun to eat from my RESERVES, which I provided on January 02, 2014...Day Number ONE of this walk.  Thanks to a number of timely DONATIONS along the way, my RESERVES are still at 100%.  You know who you are and I am forever in your debt .

Route 31 which I am walking, following the ERIE CANAL from end to end.

Still finding the rare farms along the way.  Most communities are evolving into something more, such as increasing tourism and becoming home to a growing number of industrial and commercial businesses.

New York's FINGER LAKES are passing five to ten miles South of Route 31`.   CANANDAIGUA LAKE is directly South down CANANDIAGUA ROAD.  The next Finger Lake will be SENECA LAKE, laying below the village of LYONS, some 10 miles East on Route 31 from NEWARK, where I am creating this update at McDonald's at 3:00 pm EDT

Have been working on the computer for 3 hours already, with another hour or so to go.  Looking out McDonald's window facing West, thunderheads are once again building, most likely preparing for this evening's storm.

Local Mailbox.


I continue to be concerned at the lack of birds...birds of all types, Coast to Coast and Border to Border

ERIE CANAL Lock Number 29, PALMYRA, New York.

Father and Son fishing for Large Mouth Bass in the "BYPASS" to Lock 29.  Bass were being caught in great numbers at this says the Father...Bass 18 - 20 inches on Saturday, two days ago...not so today, however.

The ERIE CANAL is constantly changing elevation (above Sea Level), requiring "NEW" water being added and removed to keep the water flowing at a more or less constant depth.  This requires an influx of additional water at several places along the course of the canal.  Conversely, water must be removed for the same reason.

CLICK to enlarge.

West end of Lock 29...currently (mostly) empty of water.  Boat arriving from the East will drive into the "empty" (or nearly empty) lock.  As the Lock Chamber fills with water, it will "LIFT" the boat about 16 feet to the level of the EIRE CANAL water in the next section of the canal.

To transit the Canal, each boat will be lifted or lowered many times.

Empty Chamber of Lock 29 awaiting arrival of the next vessel traveling West.

PALMYRA advertises itself as the QUEEN of ERIE CANAL cities.

These pictures tend to support that claim.

Too bad I'm going to miss Sunday FREE Dinner.

PALMYRA MURALS are concentrated together on a communal wall 1/2 block off Main Street (Route 31).

* * * * * * * * * *

Should complete POSTING by 5:00 pm EDT, leaving 3.5 hours until darkness sets in.  Will go find WALMART, park, and set off on my third walk of the day.

I trust the changing format - a bit more in depth attention to people, events, and villages instead of A to B walking the road - is pleasing.  I am flexible, so comments and suggestions will be eagerly received and considered for implementation; for example, a short drive to a Finger Lake might be appealing.