Tuesday, July 1, 2014

POST 1365; JULY 01, 2014; LYONS, NEW YORK

Oh, My, have I become spoiled.

Nearly every town for recent weeks has included McDonald's and WALMART.  McDonald's, a certainty to have WIFI and a place to sit for up to 5 hours to create blog updates; and, WALMART never fails to have a safe - often shady - overnight parking spot.

Today's selected town, CLYDE, has neither McDonald's nor WALMART.  Am forced to return to the village of LYONS where McDonald's once again does their magic.  WALMART, on the other hand is not to be found on Route 31, short of returning two towns back - NEWARK.

Scrutinizing my DETAILED 1:160,000 MAP shows Route 31 traveling through areas devoid of towns of any size for the next 100 miles or so.

A roadside BLOOM.

Route 31 near LYONS, New York

Lots of swampy areas between NEWARK, LYONS ad CLYDE.

Topography has become very hilly.  The ADRIONDAK Mountains are close. forming a NORTH - SOUTH Barrier between New York and the State Of VERMONT. 

First POOR HOUSE Cemetery discovered on this walk.

ERIE CANAL Concrete Works date from 1825.  Much of the infrastructure of the Canal, being close to 200 years old, has areas of concrete chipping or falling away.  Repairs are needed, and if not completed soon, the cost is going to be a major consideration. 

Lock 28A, between NEWARK and LYONS, New York.


SHERIFF's Offices and JAIL near the village of LYONS.

McDonald's in LYONS...where today's update is being created.


ERIE CANAL Lock No. 27 at LYONS, New York.

Lock 27 has a DAM associated with it...this to control water levels within the ERIE CANAL.

This, I would think, could be a profitable business on the ERIE CANAL; i.e., a few passenger boats perpetually cruising the Canal, offering accommodations on board and in the many villages en-route...sold from town to town segments. 

* * * * * * * * * *

Another storm is gathering to the West.  Will approach LYONS Police as to where - if at all - SPIA can park overnight.  Might have to return to the nearest WALMART , located 12 miles distant in NEWARK, New York.


RAIN began as this POST was initiated. 

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