Sunday, July 6, 2014


Days for walking just do not get much better than today.

Took two pleasant walks along our new roadway Route 5.  Many name places ... "Town of -----" and "Village of ..." ... with an old barn or nothing at all.  Then again a modest looking "Welcome" sign leads into an extensive town of 200 year old grand edifices and Big Box Stores.

Start out in mid walk; came upon this impressive looking property FOR SALE.

Neat as a pin, fit for the most fussy festidious  Gentleman Farmer, at the asking price of:

Yes, $299,900.00.  I have seen $299,900.00 properties hear and there across America that must surely be on a different Planet...when considered next to the above GEM.

The 6 acres; the home a bit out of sight to the right of the above image, lies between the towns of SHERRILL and VERNON on the outskirts of UTICA, New York.

TOPS Grocery (SUPERMARKET) Store in SHERRILL, New York.

What could I say that these photographs do not already say so well.

NY SAFE ACT:  Now here is something of which I know ZERO!

Five East - West bound airplanes leaving parallel CON-TRAILS (Engine exhaust which creates ice crystals when imbedded in the intense COLD at some 36,000 feet high; That is over 6 miles straight up).

Oh yes;   A 6th airplane CON-TRAIL has crossed the "T" on a North - South heading.

Never have I seen such precision from above.

Looking carefully at the thicker center plumes:  They have obviously been placed up there somewhat BEFORE the other Lines In The Pattern, as they first became thicker in the nearly windless sky, but have in recrent moments begun to be pushed North by a 90 degree side wind.  The newer Lines In The Sky have not yet been effected by winds aloft.  Perhaps they lie at slightly different elevation(s), elevations without cross winds.

Quite interesting.

A World War Two Light Tank. 

A small weapon, but has a bit of a bite.


Historically, one of the oldest Brotherhood" organizations. 

VERNON Main Street.  For such a small Village, lots of history awaits.


Have taken more pics of this Church.  My perspective says the TOWER is a bit off VERTICAL.

The other half of this quite large farm house lies buried under thick vegetation (on the RIGHT).

The BARN is behind the house...also partially buried.

Looking North and EAST.  We are quite near the HUDSON RIVER.  The land will descend in hilly ridges the rest of the way as we descend into the river valley.

On the far side of the HUDSON RIVER lies the mountains of the State of Vermont.

Living in New York for many years, drove into VERMONT mountains, where I taught myself to Down Hill and Cross Country SKI...also SKIDOO, SNOWMOBILE, and ICE BOAT on the frozen lakes.  Also Water Skied the FULL North South length of LAKE GEORGE - without stopping - behind a large powerful cruiser.

So, once again, I am COMING HOME...walking roadways I drove some 40 + years ago...with people who have been important in my life.

* * * * * * * * * *

As I near completing this creation for today, I sit - yes, once again in McDonald's , New Hartford, New York...bringing back memories...dangerous ones, perhaps;

  Among tales of mystic, one was my one on one communication with a HOUSEFLY - I, sitting in a bath tub of hot water...the fly strolling on the side of the tub

I chatted with the little guy, sliding my finger back and forth on the edge of the tub.  At first the fly darted off.  Eventually, he stood still as my finger slid up to him.  I moved my finger away...he followed...stopping to look into my eyes...much as did a Red Fox while I walked the Old Oregon Trail - US Route 30 - near LARAMIE, WYOMING...

When I finished soaking, the fly was still on the tub edge.

Believe it or not, a HOUSEFLY is repeating the maneuvers with sitting at the computer table...the fly teasing me by walking up to my finger as I slide it away from him. 

1 comment:

  1. It would be fun to see what that old house covered with vines, etc. really looks like. Basically, it looks pretty sound, just needs greenery removed, and some TLC, to complete a remodeling project. Those old, old house are really built stronger than today's homes. The reason there are so many buildings in disrepair, is because the cost to renovate is so high.

    All the homeowner's money goes for gasoline, home heating and cooling expense, leaving no money for home improvement.

    New York is really beautiful, and peaceful looking. Never been there.
