Monday, July 7, 2014


Oh, the bane of large cities.

Entered UTICA to find WALMART.  Asking directions three separate times, WALMART appears on my own Route 5.  Had I only known.

Early in the morning, black clouds moving in from the North West, drove to the postage stamp village of SCHUYELER, where the major news was...see two panels below...

Please say HELLO to  JOSEPH, local resident of the exceptional city of LITTLE FALLS.

Asked JOSEPH for the above shot of his MOHAWK CUT.

...where the main message was 26 days to Corn Eating Contest.

Encountered little of interest as I kept driving another 6 miles to the town of HERKIMER.  Parked SPIA, walked HERKIMER end to end, continuing East on Route 5.  Not paying attention, the weather front quietly crept behind my back before announcing itself with cracks of lightening bolt and booming thunder.  To say I got wet is a bit of an understatement.

HEAVY RAIN appeared from behind the precipitous mountains now surrounding SPIA and ME.

Got soaked three times today.  Rain is forecast for the next three days.

A nice town is HERKIMER.  Got in lots of around town walking and an hour toward LITTLE FALLS.

Already thoroughly wet, drove through the weather front to the magnificent city of LITTLE FALLS.

With a history beginnng before the REVOLUTIONARY WAR, the ERIE CANAL received the distinction of using the MOHAWK RIVER as it wove it's way through the ADIRONDACK Mountains.

At LITTLE FALLS, Lock Number 51 was built through solid rock, lifting (and lowering) passing boats some 42.5 feet...said to be third highest single lock lift in the world.

Population in early 1800 during the ERIE CANAL digging days, LITTLE FALLS was said to have over 32,000 residents.

Cited on a steep mountain slope, LITTLE FALLS has some steep streets.  It also has some of the finest architecture and constructions in all of America.

But I am getting ahead of myself.  The previous two images are of HERKIMER, not LITTLE FALLS. 

The above image is also of a HERKIMER resident. 

Please say HELLO to SNOWBALL, out for a walk before the rain arrived.

There we are...please say HELLO to SNOWBALL and her master whom she is leading on her leash.

HERKIMER main street.

Arrived at LITTLE FALLS a few moments before of the torrential rainfall that drenched me outside HERKIMER.

LITTLE FALLS started out modest enough...

...which lasted for one city block.

In awe, came upon block after block of scrumptious - even spectacular - breath taking buildings.

Please say HELLO to ANDY, who bought me a beer at the local Bar.  Andy also invited me to visit his 42 acre ranch - back in the hills - where DIAMONDS are to be found littering the ground. 

Somehow I did not find a moment between down pours to accept.

ANDY works in the local PULP MILL, where high quality papers are produced.

Spent lots of time chatting with locals, Police included, during a good 5 hours walking.

Asked the Police Department where I may properly park the night.   "Anywhere you choose"; I was told..."We have a couple NO PARKING signs on Main Street; otherwise we have no limitations on over night street parking".

Never in America expected to hear that !

View of Main Street.  Talk about conformity. 

Five church spires are in this image.  Could not fit the 6th and 7th steeples.

Entry and Grand Stair Case to City Hall.  In here, I found the Police Department.

Between rain squalls, lying on my back across the street, somehow got this spectacular shot of the Catholic Cathedral.

Looks much like a Rocket Ship about to launch.

Wandering around town, found another common neighborhood.


* * * * * * * * * *

Have three offers to park over night.

Will choose the KNIGHT INN Motel as I can tuck in beneath an umbrella of tree canopy.

My Mosquito screens do not hold back the thunderous powerful rains.  Before listening to the pillow, must make more adjustments to keep SPIA dry inside.

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