Thursday, July 10, 2014


Another day made for walking.  Made it from AMSTERDAM to the outskirts of SCHENECTADY, New York.  Quite impossible to walk in cities, so drove to the opposite (East) outskirts where we are settling down for the night in the suburb village of LATHAM, New York.

Many new Freeways prohibit walkers and bicyclers to travel previous roadways, such as Route 5 and 7, both 4 lane roadways...but neither approach "Unlimited Access" roadways, the usual National guideline to prohibit Pedestrians.

A pity new road construction / modernization does not incorporate provisions for the ever growing numbers walking, running and biking America's roadways.

Please say HELLO to NADEEM, proprietor of a Convenience Store where SPIA parked and waited the hours for my return.

NADEEM gifted me some cold water and sandwiches for my ice cooler.  Thank You, NADEEM.

NADEEM's Convenience Store on Route 5.

Intersection where Route 5 splits to load traffic onto I-90 some 10 miles West of SCHENECTADY.

Pedestrian passageway beneath the rail overhead crossing.  Looks like ST PETER's CATACOMBS in ROME...where I have also visited a time or two.

New Warehouse construction in the GLENVILLE BUSINESS and TECHNOLOGY PARK. 

That worker is standing on the edge of the roof, directing the Fork Lift below the new building construction.

Lots of trucks coming and going, including those of WALMART.

A WILD Flower on the Roadside.

Shadow can sometimes enhance the image.

Workers installing Traffic Signals .

Please say HELLO to NICK, who asked why I was taking pictures of their work...saying something about OSHA.  Assured NICK I has NOT one of those guys.

A lady runner getting in her miles.

CHINESE LIONS guarding this driveway.

Another wild bloom on the side of  Route 5.

Another runner putting in his reps and miles.

I-90 Freeway Bridge spanning the MOHAWK (ERIE CANAL) RIVER.

A couple Bicycles built for two have pedaled by this week.  I could go for that.

Please say HELLO to l. - r.:

ANTHONY from QUEENS  New York City;
CLARISSA from SYRACUSE. New York; and,
STEVE from COHOES, New York.

...gathered under a shady spot in the parking lot of a shopping mall, offered me directions to McDonald's and WALMART...leading to the WOW feature of walking America.

Please say HELLO to the young photographer who ran off before I asked his name.

ANTHONY became our group spokesman.

NADEEM smiles his goodbye with this picture among his "best ever".   Yes, NADEEM, you ARE quite photogenic.  Thank You for your gifts and kind words.  Wish you and your Father the best.

* * * * * * * * * *

Another intense LIGHT and SOUND show entertained drenched WALMART patrons caught in the sudden downpour.  It was finished within 30 minutes, ushering in a cool tranquil night in AMSTERDAM.  Falling tree branches have caused light damage in village neighborhoods I walked.

In the morning, I will travel out of SCHENECTADY on Route 7...which becomes VERMONT Route 9 in 15 miles so.  YES, VERMONT is up next...back to some familiar countryside.

Regarding our stroll down the East Coast from MAINE to KEY WEST, Florida:

My main purpose is to interdict the hardwood forests' intense colors, capture a pic or two worthy of posting.  My timing is not accidental.  I have a topographical listing of TYPICAL expectation of COLOR as to geographical places from MAINE to FLORIDA.  I will attempt to immerse our best effort to find and remain in the most colorful display(s) as we proceed South.

I hope to range from the ATLANTIC Ocean shoreline to the foothills of the ALLEGHENY Mountains...picking up downtown MANHATTAN New York City, a bit of AMISH culture in PENNSYLVANIA, a CIVIL WAR Battlefield, and perhaps a Covered Bridge or two.

Friends, of course, live along our route, so visits here and there, I look forward to.

As always, I am open to options.

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