Friday, July 11, 2014


Began walking this morning after negotiating endless FREEWAYS to escape from the many cities making up the ALBANY metropolis.  Having driven these roadways some 40 years ago, I was totally lost, stopping repeatedly, asking where I was and how to find myself again.

Climbed out of the HUDSON RIVER VALLEY on NY Route 7 until reaching Route 9 leading to the ridge top overlooking VERMONT.

Stopped a second time a few miles short of BENNINGTON, Vermont, where I parked SPIA and walked into BENNINGTON and BACK to fetch SPIA.

Have passed through BENNINGTON numerous times in the distant past.  Naturally, I got lost in that historic town, too.  Finally finding McDonald's where two internet bars has taken 6 hours simply to upload my chosen images.  In another hour or so, can attempt to POST...then head out to find WALMART before the Sun sets.

My comments will be few.  Remember that the REVOLUTIONARY WAR was fought to great measure in this area, American troops often times led by FRENCH Generals.  USA is forever indebted to FRANCE for - in great measure - the success of leaving GREAT BRITAIN behind.

WEST ROAD MOTEL pond as it looks today.

Please say HELLO to CHRIS and JEAN, managers of an historic WEST END MOTEL, fallen on difficult times.

Thank you for allowing SPIA (my car) to park while I ventured to the city of BENNINGTON.

WEST END MOTEL at the peak of her history...a time CHRIS and JEAN are, together with their teen age Son and Daughter, working to emulate those days once again.

This home, built in 1775, has been tenderly maintained by her many owners, including current owner of 46 years, JOHN ARMSTRONG.

Cast, and artfully painted by local artists, these 2 dozen COUGARS ( PUMA ) ( MOUNTAIN LIONS )
are to be auctioned off next Saturday.  Details may be obtained from GEORGE McCAIN at 802-447-2610.

Please say HELLO to SUZANNE, one of the participating Artists responsible for the COUGAR decor.  SUZANNE has actually decorated two of the PUMA.

Please say HELLO to GEORGE McCAIN, who, together with his spouse, JILL, own and operate VERMONT CONFECTIONERY.

As we travel the North East, we will encounter many stone walls such as the one pictured above.

The FLAG on the front door is an OFFICIAL USA 1776 Flag...flown throughout the city of BENNINGTON.

OLD FIRST CHURCH...has, among many historic treasures, the distinction to have the personal home of ETHAN ALLEN once sit where the cemetary now resides; AND...

The POET ROBERT FROST is buried at this church.

Monument Hill, site of two BENNINGTON REVOLUTIONARY WAR battles, proudly honors those who fought and help win America's freedom.  An elevator inside the Oblisk carries visitors to the viewing area at the top.

One more of the MOUNTAIN LIONS to be auctioned next Saturday proudly stands in French Uniform before the BENNINGTON Monument.

* * * * * * * * * *

It is now 7:00 pm local EDT.  I have been at this update creation more than 6 hours.

We are destined to find New England to be interesting, colorful, and quite difficult to walk the continuous hills.  It is my pleasure to do the walking and share that which we discover.

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