Wednesday, July 16, 2014


While at MANCHESTER WALMART, this young lady arranged for SUBWAY Electricity to our computer.  Purposely, I returned to obtain her photograph...and promptly failed to write her name.

Please say HELLO to this happy bubbly SUBWAY employee who has been so helpful in completing our Blog update.

Image of mid-town river, dam, and spillway of the town of DOVER, NEW HAMPSHIRE.  This was once a Cotton Processing Factory powered by water in one of the longest continually inhabited towns in the United States.

One of the waterside restaurants in mid-town DOVER.

Once again, please say HELLO to my new friend VICKI, who treated us to a quiet, warm, and memorable lunch.

Yes, we worked out a way to meet for lunch...complete with some hours of conversation.

I even dragged out my single presentable outfit for the occasion.

I anticipate returning down the coastline of MAINE, with an invitation to visit one more time; this time to meet Hubby, JOHNATHAN.

People...New Friends...this is what has become of my walk.

SPILLWAY bypass...a unique way to minimize erosion of the rocky dam face.

VICKI took me on a leisurely stroll through DOVER mid town park. 

Then we said Good Bye - for now.

* * * * * * * * * *

At McDonald's in the village of SANFORD, MAINE to complete this creation.  Then, off to find local WALMART for the night

Tomorrow, will walk Route 202 toward PORTLAND, MAINE.

At some point during the next days, will decide to continue walking East through MAINE, or turn SouthWest at PORTLAND and make our way slowly down the East Coast.  It is still 2 full months before leaves turn to Autumn colors. 

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