Thursday, July 17, 2014

POST 1381; JULY 17, 2014; GORHAM, MAINE

A most restful night.  Awake as the Sun rose, dressed, enjoyed my RAISIN BRAN with Fruit Juice in the bowl to soften up the flakes before adding Yogurt...becoming a welcome standard before opening SPIA's car door.

WALMART had no Purified Water Filling Machine.  Have three gallons as standard for each morning, so am one gallon short today.  Took a few moments to shave, wash my hair and brush teeth, before driving out of WALMART.  Drove from SANFORD to the village of WATERBORO, MAINE.

Parked SPIA; stopped in at "COZI CORNER" Restaurant for a Hot Oat Cereal, which I could not finish.  Have put myself on a bit of a diet.  Was 210 pounds 5 years ago and remain 210 pounds now.  Shedding 20 pounds will suite me fine and please, in no small way, my burdened older body to tote fewer pounds.

Spent the next four hours walking East on Route settle my overflowing emotions - your fault, Vicki - and shake some cobwebs to focus on my long range goal.

Please enjoy our discoveries of today:

Woke to this colorful fellow peeking into SPIA's window...what a way to begin a new day.

COZI CORNER Restaurant, WATERBORO, Maine.  SPIA is the White MAZDA MPV, now purring along at over 270,000 miles

Busy Route 202.

Hanging Basket says "Don't Enter Here...Go 'round Back"./

Eastern Wrap "round" Porch...a nice touch to catch the rays or avoid the rain on any day

First of many typical North East Rock Walls.

Unusual sight...log storage...could be on the OREGON Coast.

Demise of a trucking company.

You see: another "wrap round Porch".

We are VERY close to the beaches of the ATLANTIC OCEAN.

PORTLAND, Maine, by car, is only 25 minutes away.

Plan to overshoot PORTLAND by 100 miles or so; migrate over to the ATLANTIC Ocean Beaches, then follow the Ocean back toward KEY WEST, FLORIDA on US Route 1.

Been salivating at many displays of LIVE Lobster.  We shall treat ourselves to a few as we walk toward New York City.  In 1977, CRI and I sailed our FRENCH BENATEAU yacht into the town of CLINTON, CONNECTICUT quite often to a certain waterside Restaurant.  There, TICINO (Our Yacht) tied to the restaurant dock, we many times enjoyed twin 1.5 pound Lobster Tail full dinner - dessert included - for $15.00 each.  We shall walk to that memorable hideaway and once again savor the cuisine, the romantic Long Island Sound spot, re-living moments with CRI at her happiest.

Please say HELLO to LEO.  A customer of the Auto Shop I stopped in to tinkle, LEO told me of his daily 2-mile walks...wishing he was able to do more.

LEO's Autoshop.

Told LEO about one of my favorite Uncles (Mother's side) Uncle of the same name (LEO), who planned to take me to the "family" secret Gold Mine near the Canadian Border a bit off US Route 97.

Unc LEO died before sharing it's location.  Two Uncles still alive...perhaps one of them may know the location, which I doubt 'cause one of them is years younger than I am (POP Brockman) was HARD to slow down.

OOoops; meant to delete this pic.

Please say HELLO to BRENDA and HARRY MURPHY of WATERBORO, Maine, with whom I stopped to visit.  Forever residents of MAINE, but only recently removed from their Central Maine long time home.

Wonderful photograph, BRENDA !


Say GOOD BYE - for now.

See Ya, HARRY.

* * * * * * * * * *

Have driven to the small village of GORHAM to find BURGER KING, where today's Blog Creation has been born.  Near by is a new - to me - Super Market, HANNAFORD whose Manager has agreed to put SPIA and me up for the night.

Tomorrow will walk East / North on Route 202 toward LEWISTON, Maine.  From there, we will search local old COW PATH ROADS to find that which has been waiting for us.

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