Tuesday, July 29, 2014


We have been forced into a slight change to our walking itinerary due to SPIA being taken out of the effort.  SPIA goes into long range storage in PORTLAND, Maine until $$ funds become available to repair her engine.

In the interim, I fly to BELLINGHAM on Thursday, July 31, where SAM will be recovered from storage, prepared for service, and commence a 6,000 mile walk from BELLINGHAM East to NEW YORK CITY, thence to North Carolina Outer Banks, returning via DeKalb, Illinois to BELLINGHAM, where she will be returned to storage.

During SAM's trek, we will save the $$ funds to return to PORTLAND, Maine, retrieve SPIA from storage, effect her repair and return to her interrupted "FIGURE 8 of AMERICA", our 11,000 mile trek...of which 6,000 miles have been completed.

My only observation:  As advertised, positive thinking and planning have been implemented, creating options without any on-hand $$ funds or usig outside assistance.

I simply refuse to be defeated for lack of organized support or funds beyond my $15.00 per day budget.  (My heartfelt thank you for donations)

SAM AND ME will not easily go away.

This option effectively eliminates our planned LISBON - BEIJING walk, as I have used my DELTA SKY MILES - hoarded for many years - to fly to fetch SAM.

Considered taking the Greyhound Bus, but the $500.00 up front cost is not an option.

Update on my fall:  Landing on my camera in my left chest pocket has resulted is lingering discomfort near my heart.  Will check in with my Primary Physician, Dr. CARGILL when I retrieve SAM this weekend.

Smashed Nose has healed nicely with only slight residual cartilege discomfort.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a change of plans for you. Well, at least now you will not have the gas expense of your vehicle.

    Good luck in whatever you decide once you get back to Bellingham.

    Please keep blogging, because there are lots of folks out here who follow you on your journey, and all those magnificent photos every day.
