Wednesday, July 30, 2014

POST 1393; JULY 30, 2014;; YARMOUTH, MAINE

Good Morning from a rather cool start in PORTLAND, MAINE.  Portland, you say:  Yes, YARMOUTH,  WALMART is 5 miles from downtown PORTLAND; and, I am pleased it is close, as tomorrow I must drive SPIA to the Long Term Parking Garage before catching my flight to BELLINGHAM, leaving at 4:30 pm EDT, arriving BELLINGHAM at  11:15 pm PDT (midnight).

It is a 5-mile walk in B'HAM from the International Air Terminal to SAM's Storage Unit...or a 10 minute TAXI ride.

Plan to have SAM prepared to depart B'HAM by SUNDAY, August 03, 2014.

I plan to WALK with SAM across America in less than 90 days.   To do so, we will AVERAGE WALKING over 30 miles per day.  Actually, I will shoot for a 75-day crossing.

Total elapsed time will be somewhat longer, as I hope to visit MANY FRIENDS along the way.  We plan to follow the Route already walked two times; BELLINGHAM to NORTH CAROLINA.  Exact route will, as always, be subject to variations...variations this time influenced by FRIENDS who would like to physically join SAM and ME...(SEE "WHY" BELOW) and weather conditions.

Incumbent on our timing is the FACT that my DELTA Flight (AK546), LEAVES B'HAM destined back to PORTLAND, MAINE, on:

LEAVE:   B'HAM 6:40 am, JUNE 24, 2015 (DELTA required me to purchase a firm date ROUND TRIP...a date NOT subject to change, subject only to forfeit).

WHY:  SPIA has stranded me in PORTLAND, MAINE.  Her Rear Main Seal has failed, dumping her engine oil.  Cost to repair is : $1,000.00 - more or less.

I do not have access to $!,000.00.

I have devised a detailed plan to:

1,  Continue Walking - without interruption; and,

2. SAVE $1,000.00 to effect SPIA's repair - with my own future funds - SAVED monthly through SAVING Social Security $$ allocated to the 10-month walk with SAM, as outlined above.

In plain English, Walking with SAM is less costly than walking with SPIA:


SS $$ Funds Available for Walking:  $500.00 per month for 10 months

Budget to WALK with SPIA:      $500.00 / 30 days = $    16.00 per day
Budget to WALK with SAM:      $500.00 / 30 days = $     11.00 per day

Savings to WALK with SAM                                = $       5.00 per day  @ 300  DAYS
TOTAL Savings to repair SPIA:                            = $1,500.00

OK, there are plenty of holes in simplicity, but must start someplace...

* * * * * * * * * *

My hope is that folks will join in my WALK.....not with $$, but rather with hands-on assistance to find and arrange overnight places for SAM and ME during our admittedly optimistic endeavor, avoiding tent setup and take down...a protected dry / safe place to spread our sleeping bag would be wonderful.

At minimum:

 - I keep walking and blogging;

 - Folks along our route get up close and personal with SAM and ME;

 - May set an elapsed time record of sorts for Walking Coast to Coast.

Since events are already under way, I invite immediate participation, using my:

CELL PHONE 360-319-9707; and,

Participants need not be already following SAM and ME.  Referrals would be welcome.

Overnights would per forza need to be near our "adjusted -as-we-walk" ROUTE.  I walk four miles in one hour, which limits diversions to distance /vs/ walking speed.  A reasonable SUV / Pickup Truck ride would not compromise our walking parameters.

Our Saga will, of necessity, be ROUND TRIP; i.e. Coast to Coast and Back to our BELLINGHAM Starting Point in time to be on the JUNE 24, 2015 flight.

If you can help SAM and ME, and wish to become part of our walk, please contact me, as above.

ROUTE:  Listed Cities are my desired ROUTE so as to include folks we have already met during prior walks.  Time permitting, Route can be modified to include additional Cities.

BELLINGHAM, Washington via Route 20, 174, US 2;


to SPOKANE, Washington, via US Route 2;

to WOLF POINT, Montana via US ROUTE 2;

to CIRCLE, Montana via Route 13;

to GLENDIVE, MT via Route 2005;

to FARGO, ND via I-94;
to BRECKENRIDGE, MN, via Route 75; 

to WILLMAR, MN;, via Route 9;

to DUBUQUE, IOWA; via (open and Route 3);

to DeKALB, IL, via (open and Route 64);

to PERU, IN via (open and Route 24)

to GALLIPOLIS, OH via  (open and Route 160);

to HURRICANE, W VA via  US 35;

to CLIFTON FORGE, VA, via US 60;

to ROANOKE, VA via US 220;

to ROANOKE RAPIDS, NC via Route 24 plus 46;

to JACKSON, NC via ROUTE 158;

to COLUMBIA, NC via 305 plus 308 plus 64;

to SALVO, OUTER BANKS, NC via Route 64 plus 12


* * * * * * * * * *

 RETURN TO BELLINGHAM to meet JUNE 24, 2015 DELTA Air Flight returning to PORTLAND, MAINE, we must depart Outer Banks, NC no later than February 01, 2015.

Route selection will be determined considerably earlier to include interested followers to  participate in our RETURN Walk.


  1. Bruce, it will cost a fortune to leave your vehicle in long term parking for a year. You may never be able to afford to get it out again. And also, it may cost more than the quoted price to repair.

    Why not try and walk around the Northwest and California. You should also be able to get some assistance from agencies there which would help you save up for another trip.

    You can walk and talk to folks in one large area. You don't have to be confined. But you need to be reasonable now. Too many falls and catastrophes have been looming.

    Please take care of yourself.

  2. Would be nice to know who is commenting; however...

    Negotiated $1.00 per day for INSIDE covered storage. My readership is world-wide. Appreciate your suggestions; at the risk of raising the dander of some, am not a supporter of handouts from any Agency. Thank you for being concerned for me. For ME and for you, I will take greater care. Pls continue comments. I do listen.

  3. You can stay at my house I will take you out for dinner when you get to hurricane wv.d
    Dallas of wv

  4. Just spent 2 fascinating hours with Bruce on the flight from Detroit to Seattle. What an Adventurer, Prophet, Educator. I'm inspired to learn about the lymphatic system and health....the new fountain of youth. Godspeed during your 150 day cross-country trek!

  5. Just spent 2 delightful hours with Bruce on the flight from Detroit to Seattle. A wonderful adventurer, educator, prophet. I'm looking forward to learning about the lymphatic system and health....the fountain of youth! Godspeed on your 150 day round trip trek across the continent!
