Thursday, July 31, 2014


G'Morning from McD, Route 1, Yarmouth, Maine on this, the last day of JULY 2014, possibly the most activity filled month SAM / SPIA and ME have experienced.  Thank you to so many who have / are lifting and pushing me along.

A special appreciation to CYNTHIA, McDonald's, and WALMART for providing safe havens for SPIA and me these past days.

Folks often ask for my most important which there is NO truthful answer.  Have realized that change to any single moment would certainly have led me to a different place and time.  How can I not cherish every moment I am granted...brings to mind the moment I saw VICKI taking pictures on the bridge In PETERBOROUGH, NH...we both stopped, stared, and instantly became friends forever.

...and so many (hundreds !) times that scene has repeated itself in every corner SAM and ME have walked.

...and now I am once again directed to another place.  

 Fully prepared to walk to fetch SAM tonight when my plane lands in BELLINGHAM; no less than three wonderful friends offered to meet my plane, take me where ever I needed to go; two of whom intended to SURPRISE me by simply being there when I stepped back on B'HAM soil.  I may have to extend my B'HAM departure a day or so to spend time with all.

...and I ask myself, "Why ME?"

Know that each and every one is with me as I  walk through this promised land.  May sound corny, such words, but I assure you as uncounted miles become lonely, I merely conjure up one or many to accompany me for a bit. 

OK...flight(s) are confirmed, Storage garage Manager, DAN, is standing by to drive me to the Airport after I drop off SPIA in 4 hours from this moment.  We already know what awaits my arrival.

A fact I hesitate to reveal - Donations to my Blog - is that PAY PAL has informed me that within the recent 36 hours, significant $$ have been deposited in the account of SAM and ME.

...and I ask, "Why ME?"

...and now one must understand why I often use the PLURAL when referring to moments or events.  This walk is not just about SAM / SPIA and ME.  This walk is about all of us who are following a dream...on a mission to find truth in our community and solace to realize that of the Hundreds (Thousands?) met in all walks in every corner or vastness of America - and yes, in foreign Countries, too -  ...there is not a single one I would not call a friend.

Now, I post this update.  Then back to SPIA...unpack everything prepared to accompany me to BELLINGHAM...just to be certain the correct choices have been made.  SAM has limited the midst of a downpour in the dead of night in an isolated mountain valley is NOT the place or time to find I screwed up.

* * * * * * * * * *

next stop:  BELLINGHAM, of this World's finest places for whatever one wishes to do./


  1. Have a safe trip
    Dallas of wv

  2. Bruce,

    What a wonderful, heart felt post by you today. You are truly one unique gentleman.

    I hope you have a very nice, comfortable trip back to Bellingham, and I will be waiting for your next blog, and more terrific experiences. To me, this is like being on vacation, seeing all your great photos, and hearing about your journey.

    I hope your journey never ends,
