Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Again faced with the difficult part of my say Good Bye to dear friends.  This time, having shared the beautiful BELLING Summer weather with BOB, WENDELL, JOYCE, and a couple surprise meetings down on the waterfront, I know it will be a short absence 'til I return.

The morning passed accompanying BOB doing chores on his yacht.  Was nice to visit the marina where CRI and I spent so many years on our own yacht, TICINO.

 LES' Yacht, TRUMPETER, on which I enjoyed many cruises into the San Juan Islands in recent years.

Please say HELLO to RALEIGH, a fellow boater who looked after my Company, SPECTRUM ASCONA, Inc, during the early months of my preparation and early walks some 6 years ago.

Please say HELLO to BOB, who has been there for SAM ad ME from the early days of my building of SAM...and continues so many years since as SAM and ME Walk AMERICA.

Was allowed to do some gardening for BOB's temporary home in BELLINGHAM.

Once again SAM and ME are back on the road.  This time, on a 6,500 mile round trip to the Outer Banks of NORTH CAROLINA.

Please say HELLO to ERIC and LYNN, whom we met early on as we walked out of BELLINGHAM.

Beautiful LAKE SAMISH...

A growing problem Nationwide...INVASIVE SPECIES poluting our frresh waters.

Boat inspection in progress.

Some INVASIVE SPECIES infesting the waters of the State Of Washington.

Road to ALGER passing under I-5.

ALGER, Washington Church.


Invited to overnight at the ART QUARRY, have been thoroughly blown away to discover a community of performing artists ...a home for many,  their vocation being perfected in an environment of peace, quiet and friendships. 

Please say HELLO to FALLON and VERN. saying hello to me by FALLON literally leaping onto VERN's shoulders...

... two of a number of performers who grace this, LOOKOUT ART QUARRY.

Please say HELLO to TASCHE, GUARTIST and VOCALIST, who, together with her Partner KIA, extended their invitation to overnight at LOOKOUT ART QUARRY.

Please say HELLO to WILL, VIOLINIST accompanying TASCHE welcoming me with her lovely song.

* * * * * * * * * *

Have over nighted, Yes; but, have stayed over the next day, too.   I have been enthralled to visit, be an audiance of one during practice, receive a  grand tour and enjoy participating in a group swim in the crystal waters of the private ART QUARRY Lake.

I will be very reluctant to leave.  I will stay over night tonight in a TOYOTA Motor Home parked on the property just for such as me as well as artists who come and go as their vocation allows.

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