Thursday, August 7, 2014


Have a ton of photographs to post, but they will have to wait a day or two until I find a suitable place to work on the computer for some hours.

LAYMAN is a mid 1800's Logging town still thriving because of a new mountain pass across the Cascade Mountains near the Canadian Border.  The pass closes in Winter from heavy snowfall.

About 40 miles from BELLINGHAM, SAM and ME Walked and Rolled some 9 hours today at a very high rate of speed, covering some 30  + miles.  It is nearly dark.  We will "camp out" next to a picnic Table behind the Mercantile on US Highway 20 at the exit to the town of LAYMAN.

We left the Art Quarry before anyone was stirring, so I left a written note expressing my appreciation for their hospitality...and my intention to return and join their remarkable task to build in the wilderness a "Home" for working entertainers between shows or tours.

I injured my long (2nd) Toe because I put an insert in my walking shoes, which stole away the extra Toe Box Space.  Result = descending some steep hills, my toe crunched against the front of the toe box, making them quite sore.  Solution: never allow toes to reach the shoe toe box !

Am doing this update outside on a picnic table.  It will be dark in moments, so must hurry to complete this very short effort and get it posted.

In the next three or four days, we enter into long steep mountain terrain crossing over the North Cascade Mountains to a Western Theme Town which has narrowly missed the major forest fires burning on the Eastern Side of the mountains.

We will Walk and Roll through the burn z0ne as we make our way to the Columbia River, which we will follow to the GRAND COULEE DAM...then over the desert to SPOKANE where we will begin our transit of the Rocky Mountains.

OK...getting too dark to see...until next time.

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