Saturday, August 9, 2014


Again, we will proceed less photos.  Hopefully we can upload pics today as we climb the North Cascade Pass, arriving at the village supporting ROSS DAM, the mountain source for the City of SEATTLE.

Yesterday, we walked and rolled some 30 miles.  We have arrived at rge mountains, having to push SAM up some miles-long hills to arrive at the village of ROCKPORT.  Was fortunate to be assigned to a covered Deck for the the SKAGIT Campground was FULL.  As I checked in ( $10.00), RV's were turned away as "no more room at the camp ground"

Is now 745 am.  t is already getting COLD.  We have four mountain ranges to cross to reach North Carolina.  Oh, My; his is going to be FUN.

Kept fresh fruit , meat, and yogurt cold using ICE in an insulated bag.  This morning, I had difficulty lifting the bag to dump the melted ICE water.

SOLUTION::  NO MORE ICE.  It is much too heavy to push SAM with that 6.5 pounds of water per gallon.  Must start using DRIED foods..

...and so, SAM and me are packed up, ready to roll.  Not too many hills on today's 25 mile walk up the mountain.

Tomorrow starts the VERY steep hills.  There is no town or Store for some 40 miles.  We may be forced to find a wide spot on the mountain road.

Going DOWN the other side is going to be perilous as the eastern side if the mountain is VERY VERY STEEP;

We shall see !

I am writing with my computer on a garbage can in a driveway.  It will get MORE demanding as we go forward.  At least we have electric power for the computer.  The battery gave out a few minutes ago.

I assure you... would rather be back at the ART QUARRY !,

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on the big climb, watch out for those crazy drivers.
