Friday, August 15, 2014


A dozen or so VOLUNTEERS - one Guy, the rest Girls - from GRANGER and GRAHAM, Washington waded through hundreds of donated clothing, completing sorting classifying and boxing - ready for distribution.

Many additional items, such as Tools, Toys, Baby Car Seats, have been processed by additional Volunteers from local Churchs, Organizations and Neighbors who are  searching for items for those who have lost their transportation, or are otherwise unable to fend for themselves.

MOLLY says that she and I will tackle a special project to assemble a few dozen boxes for families with no food.  Our effort will be from donated foods to support a family of four for two or more days.

Much more remains to be accomplished at the "SHED" Staging Area.  Am not privy to details, but we must be moved out by Monday, as the "SHED" is the Receiving Warehouse for local fruit to be harvested in the coming days.

Prepared boxes of items are being delivered, stocked on shelving built by Volunteers today in an abandoned Supermarket.  Monday Morning, the Public is invited to visit, examine donated items, and accept that needed for their families.

Special attention has been discussed to be aware of those not so needy, looking for a fast Buck on the back of the generosity of their friends and neighbors.

As for SAM and ME, MOLLY (through GEORGE) has found a new two-man TENT,  It consists of only three major pieces and weighs many pounds LESS than the REI Tent that has failed us.  Certainly welcome the reduced weight to help climb the waiting hills,

The SEATTLE SEAHAWKS Football Team is playing at this moment.  Will try to find a local Sports Bar to sneak a peek.

MOLLY picks me up at 7:45 am in the morning.  For the moment, I am dedicated to help ,,, for how long remains open...


  1. So fantastic that you are helping out so much in Pateros. Thrilled to hear you have a new tent! It was really fun meeting you at Sheri's Sweet Shoppe in Winthrop. You are inspiring!


  2. I Dallas of wv following you
