Monday, August 18, 2014


Somehow I lost one hour this afternoon.  Have no time to cxomplete the Nasrrative for this update before darkness closes in on me...and I have 1/2 hour walk back to JAMMIE's Motor Home where We will stay one more night .

In the morning, we continure our walk.

The Project has entered Phase Two; i.e., all available donations - thousands of individual pieces - have breen readied for customers.  actually, we opened for businrss at 10;00 M THIS MORNING.

my participation has come to an end. 

LOCAL apple still on the trree.

Where I pitched my tent...on a very rainy night.

Please say HELLO to GEORGE, who guided me through my first couple days in PATEROS.

Please say HELLO yto HEATHER - on the right -   ; HEATHER is the Leader for this entire complex operation....and she has completed an astounding project wuth Volunteers from all corners of the State of Washington.

Each of thousands of articles were examined for tears or stains...then categorized, and packed according to specific parameters .

Boxes to receive each selection.

LUCY's home, where SAM and ME spent our nights in JAMMIE's Motor HOME parked out back.

PATEROS on a rainy day.

Many palatial homes were lost on that hillside above PATEROS to the Fire.

Volunteers at work.

Setting uo in thE "Store", where customers can select needed items.

The STORE out front.

24 hours ago this room was a mass of confusion.  HEATHER and her volunteers did magic.

Detail control at all times .

...And I received a haircut from HEIDI.

Thank You !

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