Saturday, August 30, 2014


I have come to a tentative determination that City Folks are a bit introverted...thinking of themselves, whereas Urban Folks are in fact, more in tune with those around them and quicker to help others.

We set out early to I-94, where we tried for over three hours to fetch a ride for SAM and ME toward FARGO, on the RED RIVER, which forms the border between North Dakota and Minnesota.  Not a single person stopped for us.  That makes six hours trying to get a ride out of BISMARK.

...and so, at 10:00 am, SAM and ME Walk and Rolled East on I-94, reaching the REST STOP some 14 miles distant.

Seeing a McD at the final exit of BISMARK, we stopped in to purchase a sandwich for our Supper.  To our surprise, we met ROBYN and ALLEN, whom we met nearly two years ago on our previous Walk and Roll through BISMARK.  Lunching with their twin Gran daughters ELLA and FAITH.

Learning our need for a ride, they offered to drive us to FARGO, North Sakota, some 190 miles distant...but could only do it tomorrow.  Knowing how events can change, I gladly accepted their offer, conditioned that SAM and ME would continue on our way this afternoon...and if we received a ride, would telephone ALLEN immediately so they could change plans.

We did, in fact, receive a ride all the way to US Route 75 in MINNESOTA, the route we plan to Walk and Roll to the city of BRECKENRIDGE.

Waited 3 hours for a ride at this ON-Ramp to I-96, BISMARK.

After 3 hours, we set off on foot.

...coming upon a repaving project of I-94.

Paved only 24 hours ago, traffic was not yet allowed on the new asphalt surface.

Please say HELLO to JAY...a contractor working with the Paving Contractor.  JAY's job was to perform NDT (Non-Destructive Tests) on the new pavement to determine the "DENSITY" as relates to mix and void content...with the objective to reach 94 % constituents and 6 % or less moisture and voids.

One of JAY's many Test points.

JAY performing another test. 

Pic of surface preparation of the old pavement to insure proper "BONDING" of the new surface to the o;d surface.  New asphalt layer is approximately 2 inches thick.

Pic og the prepared surface...prepared to receive the new layer of pavement.

Three massive "ROLLER - COMPACTORS" roll many times over the new - still HOT - pavement to
compress it to the exact thickness designed.

Normal traffic is only slowed passing through the work zone.

The REST AREA where we stopped as I ate my "lunch" Sandwich.  One more sandwich remains for Supper.

Please say HELLO to RUSTY, who gave SAM and ME a ride from the Rest Stop all the way to MOREHEAD, Minnesota, some 190 miles distant.

I failed to secure SAM's "Food" compartment, which tore apart under the strong headwind.  All my food and other items were lost somewhere along I-94.   SAM was not damaged, but must now re-provision before continuing to BRECKENRIDGE, some 90 miles distant.


  1. Bruce,

    Your first paragraph is 100% accurate.

    I have experienced that very same thing. As the cities and towns get larger, the people tend to lose their friendliness, and are not willing to help anyone.

  2. So you and Sam didn't get far out of Bismarck and there was your ride! We are happy that you got to Minnesota yet Saturday. We were all set to come pick you up after worship Sunday morning, but that worked out better for you as Saturday night we had a storm that brought lots of rain. Well, we will look forward to seeing you on your next walk through Bismarck, ND but until then we will keep up with you on your blog. God continue to bless you and keep you safe. Friends, Robyn and Allen wagner Bismarck ND PS Our granddaughter Faith and Ella were fascinated by the story of your walk. A story to write about in school Tuesday.
