Friday, August 29, 2014


We traveled 200 miles today to the city of BISMARK, North Dakota, where we have again taken a motel room @ $80.00 per night.

It rained this morning, stopping at 10:00 am.  Heavy overcast clouds have been scurrying across the sky, coming out of the North West Canadian Tundra ... a flat expanse of cold land ending at the Arctic Ocean.

Forecast is for COLD and STORMY - with possible heavy rain and hail pushed by strong winds.

I did not include cold-weather clothing .  Nevertheless, this is the last "Motel" night.  If necessary, SAM and ME will take shelter under Freeway Overpasses  as we make our way East on I-94 to the city of FARGO, North Dakota.

My main concern remains a massive cold weather front moving deep into the United States, beginning about September 15, two weeks hence.  We MUST be on the East side of the West Virginia Mountains BEFORE that happens. That demands we continue to receive help from motorists...lots of help in the manner of 1,500 miles or more.

Photographs taken from the Van of TONY, who kindly gave SAM and ME a ride from GLENDIVE, Montana to BISMARK, North Dakota.

This part of North Dakota is barren, dry agriculture - mostly Wheat and Corn -.  Even so, North Dakota is lovely to look at as one travels the few available roadways

TONY let us out of his VAN on the extreme West outskirts of BISMARK, leaving us to Walk and Roll some 10 miles to the Eastern City Limits.  It intermittently  rained as a growing wind dropped the temperature Wind Chill some 20 degrees.

I was pleased to once again find PIZZA HUT to complete our Blog update,  Across the street is the Motel DAYS INN, where we have a room waiting.  No more funds are available for Motels.  We must gain many miles from friendly motorists.  This afternoon, I put my thumb out for over three hours without success.

Tomorrow - rain or Shine - we MUST find East Bound Motorists to offer us rides.

MISSOURI River at BISMARK, North Dakota

1 comment:

  1. Yes Bruce,

    It looks like a cooler than normal fall coming, already. I just checked the Alaska forecasts, and the temps in some places are below zero at night, and highs only in the teens to low twenties. Brrrrrrrrrrrr, too early to have that cold this early in the year, even for Alaska.
