Thursday, August 28, 2014


Today was not so difficult to say Goodbye...Left alone at MARE LOU's home, I left a note of my appreciation for being welcomed into the family...again, where my $$ was NO GOOD.

Finally on my way at 10:00 am, I arrived in the city of GLENDIVE, Montana, 100 miles distant from WOLF POINT.

Delivered at the front door of PIZZA HUT, this blog update has come together quickly.

I must hurry to find a spot to spend the night...

Our day went like this:...

MARY LOU's home, hidden behind the trees.

Please say HELLO to our first biker of the day.

US Route 2 follows the MISSOURI RIVER, the route of LEWIS and CLARK to the Pacific Ocean.

Montana Route 13 as it crosses the MISSOURI River Bridge.

Receiving our first Ride at the MISSOURI River Bridge, we were dropped off at the town of CIRCLE, some 50 miles distant across undulating Wheat Fields.  CIRCLE is half way to I-94 Interstate highway on which SAM and ME will cross the State of  North Dakota

Please say HELLO to EMIL of BISMARK, North Dakota.  EMIL drove SAM and ME to CIRCLE, Montana, where we waited three hours for our next ride to appear.

Horse Creek runs through the town of CIRCLE.

Large construction equipment is a regular sight on the roadways we are Walking and support of the massive oil fields in this part of America.

Please say hello to TAITEE, biking for many years across America.  ..."I stopped keeping track of the miles I bike a long time ago...", says TAITEE, who is nearly complete on his current Trek...a ride completely around America, starting and finishing at the city of EUGENE, Oregon.

Please say HELLO to DAN, resident of our destination city for today, GLENDIVE, Montana.  DAN drove SAM and ME from the town of CIRCLE to the PIZZA HUT in GLENDIVE.

* * * * * * * * * *

And so completes our travel for today.  Must now find a spot to spend the night. 

In the early morning, we will Walk and Roll on I-94, heading East for the large city of BISMARK, North Dakota...or farther East toward FARGO, North Dakota, if we are fortunate to find rides.

At our current pace, we should be at Sister Carol's by September 06 or so.

Our immediate objective is now centering on the home of our friend, DALLAS, living in the town of HURRICANE...a suburb of the large city of CHARLESTON, West Virginia.  DALLAS was our host on our previous Walk and Roll through CHARLESTON a year or so ago.

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