Monday, September 8, 2014


Previous walks brought on the MISSISSIPPI River slowly.  Obtaining rides has reminded me of how quickly things and places change at highway speed.

Was pleased to once again meet my old friend Rev, James (Jim) Blitgen, who joined me for breakfast this morning before driving SAM and ME to the Island Town of SABULA, Illiunois, situated in the middle of the MISSISSIPPI River. .. and across the estuary to the city of SAVANNA.

Received one additional ride today from Rev. "POPS", who insisted on driving SAM and ME to the city of DIXON, Illinois; my objective was the city of OREGON, Illinois, but POPS was so forceful - I got an extended SERMON non-stop .  Now, I must take an alternate route (Route 38) the 50 miles to Sister Carol in De KALB.  Should arrive in De KALB this afternoon...if we receive some help by receiving a ride of at least 30 miles.

Departing the town of BELLEVUE with JIM.

A local DAM has created a vast estuary on the West bank of the MISSISSIPPI.

Causeways take vehicle traffic to the Island town of SABULA...

,,,with it's distinctive Water Tower.

Island causeway leading to the NARROW Bridge crossing the MISSISSIPPI estuary,

SAM and ME walked this bridge last time, halting ALL traffic over the MISSISSIPPI as the bridge is so narrow.

Please say HELLO to JI...farmer, bargeman, and horseman, traveling the length and breadth of America to work and play.  The ZIP LOCK JIM holds is a gift from his Garden...Tomatoes and home made Energy Bars.

Please say HELLO to KURT and KATHY, whom I shared a few moments in a SAVANNA Restaurant.  KURT gifted me a Ham and Cheese Sandwich ...survival rations  for the coming walk on Route 64 to De KALB.

Please say HELLO to Rev. POPS, who preached without a wasted breath, all the way to the city of DIXON...while I wanted to go to the city of OREGON.

Was nice to meet Wife SUE and Grandaughter Elizabeth...

* * * * * * * * * *

Let's hope we gain a ride from DIXON to De KALB.  Still have 1,000 miles to the North Carolina Outer Banks.

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