Monday, September 8, 2014


We have arrived in the Land Of Lincoln.  Last night found us in the city of DIXON, some 50 miles from De KALB.  As it turned out, Route 38 was an excellent roadway, traveled by a few 18-wheelers and lots of local pickup trucks. 

In all, SAM and ME walked only two hours squished between three rides we received...the final ride delivering us to Sister Carol's Front Door at the PINE ACRE Nursing Home at 11:00 am.  This has allowed Carol and I a nearly full day to visit .

Our first ride was from JIM SCHAEFER near DIXON itself to the village of FRANKLIN GROVE, where we walked to the edge of town before receiving our second ride.

Please say HELLO to TOBY and JOSH who delivered SAM and ME to the town of ASHTON.

Walking some six miles out of ASHTON, we received our third ride of the day.

Please say HELLO to Nurse CURT PRESTON of the town of ROCHELLE.  CURT was a true conversationalist, keeping a running dialog going as he slowly drove SAM and ME through the country side and historic neighborhoods of ROCHELLE.

Keeping his vehicle speed somewhere between 20 and 55 miles per hour, CURT pointed out the massive ( many miles long) rail yards in ROCHELLE where hundreds of trains are formed up headed to the four corners of America.

In due time, SAM and ME were deposited at Sister Carol's.

Battling a number of major illnesses for the past eight years, Carol is about as upbeat as one could be.  Six times I have walked to De KALB to spend time with Carol. This visit will be a short one, as I must keep moving to avoid the coming COLD.

* * * * * * * * * *

Am staying at SUPER 8 tonight ($66.00).  I the morning, will breakfast with Carol, then be on our way on Route 38 East to Route 47, which we will take South before crossing into the State of Indiana,  Route 47 is a major secondary roadway, promising potential rides to quicken us on our way.


  1. Bruce,

    Have you noticed how nice and green everything is this time of year? Normally, the road ditches and everything is really dry and brown. It is so nice to see all the nice green and healthy lawns and crops.

    Great photos, as always, plus lots of great people. :)

  2. I am pleased you had time with your sister
    Dallas of wv

  3. A little more than 200 miles left from Richmond to get to Hurricane, WV. You'll miss the winter weather!
