Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Please say HELLO to BELLE, the PINE ACRE Pet dog
Rescued  from a Doggie pound, BELLE takes care of all the Residents, greeting Visitors and making the "rounds" daily to check on each person.

At night, BELLE sleeps in Sister Carol's bed.  Here BELLE plays with two of her favorite ladies.

Please say HELLO to RANDY, Maintenance Manager, who drove SAM and ME to the County Campgrounds., where we set up our tent under the starts,

We had a rough night, having heavy down pour and high winds.  once again, our tent was flooded two inches deep with rain, soaking EVERYTHING.  I was awake the entire night.

Please say HELLO to WILL, our neighbor camper, warning me of the approaching storm.

I was awake ALL night...climbing out of my waterlogged Sleeping Bag four times to tie down the tent and making certain it did blow away.  Most of the njght I was lying in over two inches  of rain water.

Please say HELLO to CARL, who gave SAM and ME a ride to the city of YORKVILLR, iL, where I will dry out our clothes.

* * * * * * * * * *

In the morning, will try to catch  a ride to the town of FORREST on Route 24, which leads us to INDIANA

1 comment:

  1. Bruce, you're in my neck of the woods now. Central IL. Believe me I know what you went through trying to sleep after having your sleeping bag and tent soaked by rain. That happened to me in MO on my walk across America. Take care my friend.
