Thursday, September 11, 2014


I woke this morning with the strangest malady...the big toe of my right foot was extremely sore.  At first, thought something bit me during the night, but could find no indication of swelling or redness.  Began walking on it, only to have it become more painful.  Seems almost like Arthritus set in.  In all, walked some 6 hours reaching the town of FORREST, Illinois, with the entire foot now painful.

Received rides from three gentlemen, finally being delivered to FORREST, Illinois...only to discover NO place to camp and no Motel until reaching GILLMAN, Illinois, some 20 miles distant.  Had my thumb out for 2 one stopped.  Returned to FORREST, bumping into an employee of the local car dealer, who arranged a RIDE (at 6:30 pm) to GILLMAN with another employee ( MIKE), who lives in GILLMAN.

Telephoned SUPER 8 Motel in GILLMAN, reserved a room @ $56.00 for "late arrival."

Am dining at the local Restaurant, which serves up great country cooking...and would you know it, my money is NO GOOD...but dinner has been delicious...Thank You, LALO.

Recommend a visit to EAGLE NEST Restaurant in FORREST.

Please say HELLO to BEN, who offered our first ride, dropping SAM and ME off at I-80 (Interstate 80), from where I walked three hours before our next ride came along.


Please say HELLO to CORY, who delivered SAM and ME to his home town of DWIGHT, Illinois.

Please say HELLO to NACHO, drivIng his own food delivery truck from CHICAGO to his home town, FORREST.

NACHO gave me his telephone number, offering to put us up for the night if we did not find a solution.

Wheat being loaded into an 18 Wheeler in FORREST.

* * * * * * * * * *

Is now 5:45 pm.  Din Din is complete...thank you for your consideration,           .

Walking was difficult (the foot) today.

It was COLD all day under thick threatening skies, although it did not rain.  Tomorrow predicts low 30's F.  Do not know what I will do as I do not have Cold Weather clothes.  Also, hesitate to bring up the subject, but all these motels are quickly depleting our $$ funds.  Will face that problem in another week.

In the interim, am looking forward to treat my foot to prepare for tomorrow's walks.

Sleeping out is not possible as ALL my camping stuff is still too wet.    Should be able to dry everything out be morning, since we will soon be snug in SUPER 8 in GILLMAN.

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