Friday, September 12, 2014


First, a report on the foot.   As of last evening, it was swollen, painful to the touch and extreme painful to walk on.  Soaked it in HOT water, messaged and oiled it, took one IBUPROPEN. and slept without waking.  This morning, still swollen, but NO pain.  Took one more IBUPROPEN.  Walked on it for 4 hours today at high speed from GILMAN to WATSEKA, Illinois.  This evening, is still swollen, and a bit of pain has returned. 

VERY strange !  Telephoned Nurse MELISSA back in BELLINGHAM, who is looking after my "Health" from my long range reports.  MELISSA mentioned "GOUT".   We shall see.

Late yesterday afternoon, received a ride from FORREST to GILMAN, where we took a SUPER 8 Motel once again.  This motel was a sample of what a motel should be...HIGH QUALITY MANAGEMENT...a distinct improvement on the recent (Indian Managed) SUPER 8 motels.

Observation:  Indian Immigrants appear to be slowly taking over management of hotels and Convenience Stores (gas stations)...not always with positive results.

This morning walked and rolled from GILMAN, Illinois to WATSEKA,Illinois.  Late in the afternoon, received a ride from WATSEKA to KENTLAND, Indiana, where we have taken a "RED ROOF" Motel @ $56.00.  It is to be at or below freezing tonight.  Have dried out the sleeping bag and many other items which received a thorough Rain Soaking three nights ago.

Motel comfort is about to end as we are about out of $$ until Social Security $$ is replenished on October 03.


Please say HELLO to MIKE and STEVE, who together moved SAM and ME from FORREST to GILMAN, Illinois..the home of MIKE.

Some pics of GILMAN as SAM and ME walked and rolled through GILMAN this morning.

We tried to hitch hike as we walked.  We succeeded only in attracting the POLICE, who responded to citizen (other drivers) complaint that we were walking too close to the White Line.  In our entire walk so far, we attracted 5 POLICE...four of them in ILLINOIS.  Wonder what significance THAT has.

Not being coy.  Police have been of great help at every turn for SAM and ME.  Local drivers could use a bit more confidence.  There is really NO need to STOP their car in the middle of the roadway because SAM is rolling along only 3 - 4 inches away from the White Line.  ...  but, that is the way it is with many drivers in this part of Illinois.

Please say HELLO to JOE, resident of WATSEKA.  JOE stopped 1/4 mile from down town WATSEKA.  I quickly accepted his offer to drive SAM and ME the final 8 minute (walk) into town.

Please say HELLO to TINA WILKEN, Member Service Representative (Receptionist) of WATSEKA newspaper, The DAILY JOURNAL.  Contrary to my usual practice of letting the Media ferret us out, I stopped in at the newspaper to announce my fourth walk through their town (of WATSEKA).

NO, they did NOT interview me.

Please say HELLO to CHAD and his (Retired Policeman) Dad, HOLLY, who saw SAM and ME walking out of town.  They fetched their Pickup Truck, searched until finding us in PIZZA HUT, and offered to drive us forward on Route 24 to the town of KENTLAND, Indiana.

Here, we have again taken  a motel room, where this blog update is nearing completion at 6:00 p.m.

In the morning, we walk and roll - and hopefully receive rides - on Route 52 - to near INDIANOPOLIS, Indiana, where we switch to Routes 32 and 38, crossing into the State of Ohio at the city of RICHMOND.

* * * * * * * * * *

Rushing South and East to beat the coming COLD has taken a toll on my stamina AND on our $$ finances. 

My objective is to reach the town of HURRICANE, a suburb to CHARLESTON, West Virginia, and , home to DALLAS, who has offered SAM and ME to "Winter-Over" if we are too late to beat the Winter Weather bearing down on the ALLEGHENY Mountains, which we must cross to reach the Atlantic Coastal Plains of VIRGINIA and NORTH CAROLINA.

Now, there is an example of a COMPLEX COMPOUND Sentence.  Hope I got it correct !

Look forward to once again visit with DALLAS and his active SENIOR Group.

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