Saturday, September 13, 2014


It was COLD this morning, but still wearing Walking Shorts and NO coat.  Walking keeps me warm.

SAM's Wheel SPOKES loosened up, requiring a "Spoke Key", which I did find in the tiny town of KENTLAND, where we spent the night in a motel. 

This morning during "Complimentary" Breakfast, I had a dozen or so folks listening to tales of SAM and ME...and the plaudits of the LYMPHATIC SYSTEM.  As SAM and ME walked out of the local Convenience Store, a "Deputation" handed us $60.00..."to send us on our way with enough $$ for one more Motel Room.

Walked most of the way to the city of LAFEYETTE, receiving two short rides...with promise of a third ride later this evening to the City of LEBANON, Indiana.  We shall see about that, as the car is rather small for SAM to fit inside .

Small town of KENTLAND, Indiana.

Bought two tomato, which I ate during today's walk and roll.

Roadside GRASSES....

US Route 52.

Please say HELLO to CAROL, who delivered SAM and ME to the town of FOWLER.

We received one more ride of about 20 miles, delivering SAM and ME to the city of LAFEYETTE, where this update is nearing completion in the local McDonalds.

Please say HELLO to KAIYLA and ASHLEY, with whom I chatted for some time...finding that ASHLEY is driving to her Parents home in LEBANON this evening...and has offered to take SAM and ME with her...if we can get SAM into her car.

* * * * * * * * * *

It is COLD this evening.  Promises to RAIN on Monday, with good warm weather the rest of the week.

It is imperative we receive rides to West Virginia...

...again, we shall see.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bruce,

    I have been to that part of Indiana. Have you noticed how neat all the roadside ditches are mowed in Indiana? In all my traveling, Indiana has by far the very best kept and neatest roadsides. They really care about how their state appears to visitors.

    That pointed building in one of your photos, is a storage building for the Hwy department, holding the gravel and salt for winter roads. I have driven past that building.
