Friday, September 19, 2014


We quickly discovered that US Route was a FREEWAY, posted to prohibit walkers. 

SAM and ME set off on OLD 35, which paralleled NEW Route 35 (called The BYPASS).  Three hours later, we arrived at the city of WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE, having walked some 12 miles.

Walking through town, we came upon the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars...of which I am a member in KEY WEST, Florida).

Had to ring the door bell to be let in.  Quartermaster BOB and Hostess SUE, helped guide me through the Route 35 complications...where can we walk...and, where are walkers prohibited.

SUE took the Bull by the Horns, phoning VFW members who might have time - and desire - to give SAM and ME a ride to the city of CHILLICOTHE, some 30 miles distant.  SUE prevailed.  15 minutes later, BILL, CARA, and Son BRYCE drove up in their shiny red pickup and changed forever the definition of "a Ride".

Waiting for BILL and family, SUE cooked up a delicious Sausage and Egg sandwich, chased with a cold COORS Light Beer.  No, says SUE, your money is not accepted...Traveling Veterans get a free sandwich and cold beer.

Close up look at a new helicopter.

OLD 35 SAM and ME walked to WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE.  Seems there were once two (2) Towns WASHINGTON in OHIO.  To clarify the confusion, one town added the words COURT HOUSE in honor of their city center landmark.

Crystal Clear water flows in Ohio streams.

Field of BEANS, to be harvested at the end of October.

SEED CORN, which dries out still standing in the field.  Two other types of Corn are SWEET CORN (Food for People which is delicious eaten raw from the COB), and Animal Feed - also used for car engine fuel.

A new CORN HARVESTER being driven on OLD 35.

East end of the West Bound Corn Harvester.

This barn is not painted.  The White material is called "White Wash", common on farm buildings across America.

Nearing WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE, palatial homes line OLD 35.

Please say HELLO to SUE METAIS, VFW Hostess to whom I owe considerable for rounding up a VFW Member to give SAM and ME a ride to the city of CHILLICOTHE, some 30 miles distant.

Please say HELLO to BILL, CARA and 3 year old BRYCE, who gave of their time, their Pickup Truck and friendship to drive SAM and ME not just to CHILLICOTHE, but on and on and on to the distant town of JACKSON, a mere 27 miles from the OHIO River and the border of West Virginia.

Not only that, these two wonderful people searched the internet on BRYCE's I PHONE 'til they found a Motel for us...then delivered SAM and ME to the Motel Front Door.  BILL accompanied me to the registration to be certain we had our room...not only that, BILL paid for our Motel Room.

All told, BILL and CARA drove us 50 miles, paid our Room, and saved 2 Days walking and two additional nights.  This because of SUE's phone call on behalf of SAM and ME.

Is it any wonder SAM and ME are dedicated to continue our walk and roll.

* * * * * * * * * *

Tomorrow morning, we are allowed to walk the FREEWAY portion of US Route 35.  We must EXIT at the town of RIO GRANDE, taking Route 588 to the town of GALLIPOLIS, set on the banks of beautiful OHIO River.  This will be our 4th visit to GALLIPOLIS, from which we will cross the OHIO River bridge into West Virginia.


  1. Cars and I enjoyed the pleasure of your company. We wish you and Sam well on your travels.

  2. Great to see you progress
