Saturday, September 20, 2014


30 miles seemed a reasonable walk at 8:00am this morning.  When 12 noon arrived, I was struggling up miles-long hills on Route 35.

At 4:00pm, we arrived at the town of RIO GRANDE, still 12 miles short of GALLIPOLI, Ohio, our destination for today.

Try as we will, no vehicles stopped for us.  Two Police did stop, having received 911 calls from concerned motorists, claiming an OLD Woman was struggling with a Baby Stroller out on Route 35.    Chuckling, the Police confirmed that we were totally within the law.  I observed to the Police that folks are quick to call in the LAW for things they do not understand...and ignore the option to simply stop to ask if we need help.

Both Officers said folks are afraid for their safety, so they will not stop for ANY reason.

Leaving DAYS INN Motel early this morning from JACKSON, Ohio.

US Route 35...NOT a FREEWAY at this point, so SAM and ME walked and rolled on it all day...until 4:00pm this afternoon, at the town of RIO GRANDE, where it was declared to be a FREEWAY, prohibiting PEDESTRIANS.

A TRUCK STOP on Route 35, where I purchased a Mt. DEW drink.  Water is good to drink, but a bit of flavoring gives a lift to tasteless water.

At RIO GRANDE, we switched to OLD 35 once again, continuing to walk toward GALLIPOLI, some 10 miles distant...still thumbing for a ride.

As we were leaving RIO GRANDE, a pickup truck finally stopped, offering to drive SAM and ME to a Motel in GALLIPOLI>

Please say HELLO to CHUCK of GALLIPOLI, Ohio.  On an errand with his DAD, Chuck drove us to a Motel, only to find there were NO rooms available.  We telephoned a half dozen nearby motels, only to find NOT A SINGLE ROOM AVAILABLE.

CHUCK offered to drive us to his home where he had a large entertainment building ...completely protected from the weather, with electricity and running water.  I gladly accepted his offer that we , using our air mattress and sleeping bag, spend the night...for free.

In the morning, Chuck offered to drive SAM and ME across the OHIO River bridge on Route 35, into the State of West Virginia..

* * * * * * * * * *

It is now 9:00pm.  Our blog update is ready for publication.  My BED is laid ou ready to slide into.  Have sprayed for the mass of mosquitos, so should sleep well.

And, another day is in the books...including more new friends to help SAM and ME complete our mission. 

Thank You.

1 comment:

  1. I expect to see you at my house in Culloden wv tomarrow
