Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Yesterday, September 22, was day number one without walking.  Should I begin serious walking today, my body will require three day's to recover that single day efficiency lost.  Should I wait one week, a full month of recovery will be required.  So, must keep walking each day to avoid "recovery" days when SAM and ME once again move on.

DALLAS has welcomed us into his home with graciousness.  For a single man, DALLAS' home is spotless. well organized, and quite comfy.   Riding in his new Chevy pickup, I have enjoyed being chauffered around town.  My Primary Doctor has been keeping an eye on me as we have been walking this past year, and yesterday, DALLAS drove me to the LabCorp offices, some 4 miles away, to complete a few tests...tests I would not have done without Dr. SHERGILL's guidance.

It is reassuring to have someone looking over my shoulder.

DALLAS put me to work in the afternoon, using his gas-driven portable Weed Eater.  It ran out of "Cutting Cord", which took me over one hour to figure out how to install new Cord.  Today I will finish trimming the yard grass...then look for a new chore.

The home of DALLAS.

HURRICANE has an active Senior Center.  Among activities is a Week-Day LUNCH at a modest cost.  I joined as DALLAS' Guest ( @ $4.00).  The full meal was delicious, served by Volunteers to the seated Seniors.

Please say HELLO to DALLAS, driving his new Chevy pick-up truck.

* * * * * * * * * *

Took the opportunity to weigh myself while at the Test Lab.  Starting our walks back on March 20, 2010, my weight was 210 pounds.  Receiving the heart STENTS last December 28 2013,  my weight was still 210 pounds - after 4 years walking.

Yesterday my weight was 199 pounds.  That seems OK to me.

Pushing SAM, I try to maintain good posture.  This keeps my back erect and seems to relieve muscle strain.  After a day off the road, however, a bit of back STIFFNESS is bothersome.  Keeping active by helping with physical chores seems a good idea.



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