Thursday, September 25, 2014


Lunch with DALLAS is quite interesting in that each weekday some hundreds of SENIOR CENTERS State-wide provide sit-down lunch meals to those 62 and older.

Supported by one third of revenue received from West Virginia LOTTERY, individuals are asked to DONATE as they can afford...many participating at no charge.  Meal nutrition is set at not less than 1,500 calories per meal.  As a Visitor, my donation is suggested to be $4.00 per meal.

The HURRICANE SENIOR CENTER prepares and delivers nearly 50 MEALS ON WHEELS in addition to some 50 seniors who "eat in."

CHEF's CHOICE selection for Wednesday - yesterday - included Wieners and Baked Beans, Potatoes, Cauliflower. Apple Pie, Corn Bread, Coffee , Tea and milk.  

A Weekly Menu is printed in advance of the daily selections.

Attendance yesterday at the SENIOR CENTER Lunch

Not-So-Wild Deer in the field next to DALLAS" home.

DALLAS' home viewed from the garages (3 separate garage buildings).  My job has been to operate the gas engine WEED EATER.  Taking two days to figure out how to re-fill the cutting cord, I worked some many hours trimming grass surrounding each shrub, tree. fence line, as well as the home itself.  We also keep up the next door home and some State property adjacent to DALLAS' home.

Will complete the entire job - for the first time - this afternoon.

DALLAS' Wife, who recently passed away, tastefully decorated the home garden with fine sculpter and out door furniture.

DALLAS' "Buddy" - the dog's actual name - has his own viewing spot in the pickup truck.

* * * * * * * * * *

Since arriving in HURRICANE, the weather has been near perfect, forecast to be even better next week.  Back in BELLINGHAM, such weather would be called INDIAN SUMMER.


  1. Bruce is a welcome guest
    Dallas of wv

  2. Hi Bruce

    I once give you a ride in Idaho.
    I've been tracking you sence the
    beginning in 2009, I am amazed with your walking ability, you have crossed this Country so many times that there would be no way i would ever attempt to try to do your walk,
    It would littearly? kill Me. And I don't do Facebook could you please at least every couple days sign in and just say Hi still here. just so WE know your O.K WE worry a bout you...

    Thank You, Bruneau Robert.
