Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Winter cold and snow has finally arrived in CULLODEN, West Virginia.

SAM and ME have been hosted for a bit over four months by DALLAS...having been invited to Winter Over.  Looks as though another two or three weeks will see SAM and ME on our way, walking and rolling back across America.  Plan to route ourselves to DeKALB, Illinois, (to visit Sister CAROL for the sixth time on foot), thence West via Highway 30 and 20, transiting YELLOWSTONE, arriving at the BLAINE, Washington USA/CANADA Border Crossing approximately June 01, 2015.

June 21, 2015, have prepaid DELTA Airline ticket from BELLINGHAM, Washington to PORTLAND, Maine, where we will recover our MAZDA MPV, "SPIA" from storage.  Once again, SPIA, and ME will cross AMERICA.  SPIA will go back into storage at BELLINGHAM while SAM and ME will walk and roll East...shaking bushes to discover new treasures...which we will share in pics and narrative blog updates.

My 5-year plan to walk from LISBON, Portugal to BEIJING is still on, but becoming somewhat dim with world turmoils blocking our route...and lack of $$ to finance our way.

Please say HELLO once again to DALLAS and his sidekick, BUDDY. 

Please say HELLO to JOY, Director of HURRICANE, West Virginia SENIOR CENTER.  Monday through Friday, Lunch is served for a cost of from $1,50 to $4.00 - based on individual $$ income.

Senior Center is hosting Seniors to FREE IRS Tax Returns...a $180.00 value...among other benefits available to all Seniors .

HURRICANE SENIOR CENTER and IRS Tax Return visitors, receiving FREE lunch while waiting their turn.

Scenic back roads in Winter's Majesty...SAM and ME have, for the recent months, walked and rolled these byways preparing for our continued crossing(s) of America.

DALLAS' Church in nearby BOURBONVILLE.

After church lunch potluck offered each Saturday.

Please say HELLO to DALLAS and the family of his SON, SCOTT, during their visit last week.

Please say HELLO to sleepy Grandson BRYSEN, Wife, AMBER, Baby LANDON, and SCOTT.    .

Dead-end drive adjacent to the home of DALLAS.  I-64 forms a "T" at the end of the drive.  City of CHARLESTON, Capital of West Virginia, is 35 miles East (to the right).

* * * * * * * * * *

DALLAS has during recent many weeks, submitted to daily out-patient Diabetis treatments, which continue for some weeks into the future.  His friend, CAROL, has been at his side as unofficial caregiver and companion.  I have taken it upon myself to see to providing - buying, preparing, and cleanup - balanced meals for the three of us - with grateful participation by Carol and the Senior Center.

A minor foot irritation led me to visit the local hospital, where Emergency Room Dr. ADKINS, MD, certified a CALLUS on the bottom of my left foot was the cause.  Dr. ADKIN referred me to Dr. WHITE of the WEST VIRGINIA FOOT CARE SPECIALIST,   I made an appointment with Dr. WHITE to look at my CALLUS.  The following occurred:

Technicians began by beginning tests related to my heart.  I expressly told them not to do that as my visit was to be limited to my CALLUS.  The Technicians then proceeded to take a series of X-Rays...which I again objected to as having nothing to do with my clearly visible CALLUS.  They insisted on completion of six X-Rays over my objections.

Dr. WHITE appeared, lifted my foot to examine, saying he was going to freeze it...again over my objection.  Dr. White then, without another word, taking a scalpel, proceeded to cut open my foot.
followed by taking a photograph with his IPhone...proudly shoving the phone under my eyes..."See, said he"...BLOOD.  "You do not have a CALLUS"..."you have a WART !"  Where upon his technician applied some liquid and a bandage, as Dr. WHITE, left the examining Room saying, "We'll give you a kit.  "Follow the instructions and come back in two weeks."   I did NOT take his "Kit", which cost $19.95...his method of gathering in some extra $$ from the local pharmacy???

I was handed back my walking shoes with the explanation that new insoles had been substituted for my own.  I objected that my insoles were perfectly fine...removed the new ones and reinserted my own.

Upon leaving the crowded waiting room, I was LOUDLY called back to pay my Office Visit Co-Pay of $167.00.  I asked .."for what?...I was here all of 10 minutes.  The clerk said my entire charges were $699.00, most of which was being billed to MEDICARE.  "You gotta be kidding", was my shocked reply.

I objected, demanding a detailed cost breakdown, which after a short delay was presented with the following $$ breakdown in writing:

$181.00     Code 99203 - Office Registration -:i.e. signing me up
$203.00     Code 17110 - Dest Benign Lesion - i.e. Dr. WHITE's treatment of my WART
$280.00     Code 73630 & 73610 - X-Rays
$  35.00     Code 40664 - Shoe Insert

$699.00     TOTAL

Not the first time medical experts have disagreed on my conditions...which may be found in prior posts.  I have easily self-treated WARTS on the bottom of my foot.  This one I could not see, but with continued self-treatment, it is nearly gone.  Proper diagnosis by ER would have avoided any referrals and the resultant questionable charges.


  1. Well Bruce, if you come through Bruneau, Id dont forget to stop buy and see Us

  2. HI Bruce,

    Sounds very typical for doctors to gouge money from you. All he really had to do was touch the wart with a Q-tip soaked in liquid nitrogen. In a couple of days, it would turn black, and finally disappear.

    Our son had a wart on one finger, so the doctor treated it with Liquid Nitrogen to freeze it, and in a few days it was totally gone, never to return again. It took just a matter of minutes, with NO pain, either.
