Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Five months in West Virginia has left an indelible impression...about the land...about the people...about the language...about the fierce pride instilled in the folks who call this Tri-State corner home.

SALLY has peeked out from her hidy hole ...even accepting my dance (Jitterbug / Swing) request last week...making it clear and final that there is no space for further relationship between us.  Grateful for the few moments we shared gliding above the (concrete) dance floors of Huntington, Milton and Culloden.

Betty, too, has taken a road divergent from her invitation into her life, her home...house and automobile keys have been returned to her...she kept my $500.00.

But for the recent snow storm, SAM and ME would be on our way once again.  For the moment, DALLAS and CAROL welcome our continued presence in their Culloden home.  I have some weeks ago initiated morning and evening home cooked meals together, rewarding us with more moments together if not a few new-found pounds we could all do without.

I must admit to growing loss of day and night vision...loss significent enough to become worrysome.

We have a new tent, air mattress and sleeping bag.

The STENTS are causing increasing irritation./..if not some pain... night and day.  By-pass surgery has been suggested as being a near-future option.

Waiting for a proper weather window.  Have not settled on a time or route to walk.  Plan arriving by mid June in Portland, Maine to retrieve SPIA from storage.

HURRICANE private Mail Box bearing the last name ( LOVEJOY )  of DALLAS.  Not a relative of DALLAS, however the name LOVEJOY is common in these parts.

Please say HELLO to CAROL, DALLAS, and FLORA, Sister in Law of DALLAS.

FLORA and ME at the CULLODEN Saturday Night dance.

Please say HELLO to FLORA, a most delightful lady...and Widow to the Brother of DALLAS.

Please say HELLO to JAMES ....

.... and his wife, BETTY, both of whom oversee the Saturday Night CULLODEN Dances.

One of two US FOODS Warehouses in CULLODEN / HURRICANE, West Virginia, receiving and distributing fresh foods nationwide. 

Senior Center facilities located in neighboring City of NITRO...home town of CAROL

Many activities are available daily, including a nutritious lunch.  Most local cities and towns in the Tri State Region offer similar Senior Centers.

Please say HELLO to DON, a local Disc Jockey offering dance music at NITRO Senior Center. 

Line Dancing to DON's music.

DO-SI-DO ...

DON and CAROL.  For years, CAROL was a fixture at the NITRO City Senior Center

Please say HELLO to Yours Truly and RUTH .....

Please say HELLO to DONNA, Director of NITRO Senior Center.

NITRO Senior Center Facilities.

Please say HELLO to LILLY, HURRICANE City Senior Center Staff member.

Please say HELLO to sisters PATTY and RUTH

Please say HELLO to ROB who stopped in at the Senior Center to interview DALLAS regarding reaching old age.

Please say HELLO to CAROL, dedicated to helping DALLAS through daily Diabetes treatments.

12 inch snow pack tn the back yard of DALLAS' home.

Garbage Can Art ... yes, a good 12 inches inabout 12 hours.  Next few days will see another + / - 4 inches falling in "MINUS" Temperatures.

CAROL's Pontiac blanketed under a foot of feather-light snow.

Here comes the CSX Coal Train.

In the midst of our snow storm of yesterday, the 109 Car Crude Oil Train from North Dakota derailed and self destructed by exploding some 60 miles from HURRICANE.

* * * * * * * * * *

The WART on the bottom of my left foot is healing nicely using DR. SCHOLL'S "Clear Away".  Absolutely criminal Dr. White demands $700.00 to LOOK, LANCE, and BANDAGE the Wart on my foot.

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