Friday, February 27, 2015


Tomorrow is the final day of February 2015...seems impossible !!!

For the past month, have been mentally and physically ready to walk and roll back to BELLINGHAM, Washington, put SAM back in storage, fly via DELTA to PORTLAND, Maine, recover SPIA out of storage and continue our way to KEY WEST ... then diagonally back to BELLINGHAM.

The persistent deep freeze and most recently, some foot of snow on the ground, have kept SAM and ME inside DALLAS' home and off the treacherous winter roadways.

Last night was 10 F.  Starting tomorrow, temperatures will be at or above freezing.  Alas, our flight from BELLINGHAM to PORTLAND, Maine is on June 21 ... not enough time to walk and roll the 2,500 miles from CULLODEN to BELLINGHAM. to catch our prepaid flight.

We detailed a route from CULLODEN to LAUREL, Mississippi, thence taking US Route 11 to Maine.  That route places SAM and ME in PORTLAND, Maine in late August, 2015...too late in the season to walk out of the North East before another winter descends upon us.

We are leaning, therefore, toward leaving HURRICANE in the next few days, on US Highway 60 East over the Allegheny Mountains to Virginia where we will pick up US Highway 11 North via the SHENANDOAH Valley, on to WASHINGTON, D.C., then via MANHATTAN, NEW YORK CITY, sequentially through central CONNECTICUT and  RHODE ISLAND, to BOSTON, Massachusetts, and finally to PORTLAND, Maine to retrieve SPIA; then, the pleasure our long standing Dinner Date with VICKY and her Hubby awaits in their NEW HAMPSHIRE home .

Yours Truly...Bruce Maynard...after nearly five years walking America with SAM...twelve crossings with some 27,000 miles passing underfoot.

Betting on this product to render a temporary fix to the oil leak in SPIA's Rear Main Seal.

SPIA's Name...? :  Coined by a incarcerated teenager following SAM and ME since 2009:


Please say HELLO to JAY, MIKE, and crew member chasing down a utility malfunction in below ZERO ( COLD ) weather.

The Contractor.

A few hours later...progress is evident.

Coal Train passing the SENIOR CENTER in HURRICANE, West Virginia.

Please say HELLO to PAUL.  PAUL is the Senior Center CHEER LEADER, daily reminding ALL to " everything on your plate to be Me."... "...see, I never leave ANYTHING on my plate...", gleefully holding up his (mostly) empty lunch tray.

Lots of "sharing" and "trading" going on at lunch.

MY NEW tent being tested in DALLAS' Family Room.  Previous tent wore out, nearly drowning SAM and ME a while back over nighting in MINNESOTA

Interstate 64 traffic passing the home of DALLAS'.  Passing trucks actually shake the house as they seem to roar through the walls.  Believe Coal Tunnels may pass under the Freeway AND DALLAS' property, conducting sound and vibration through the tunnel(s) just under the surface.

Temperature at DALLAS' home this morning.  Has reached near MINUS 20 F.

Sunrise from DALLAS' covered backyard patio.

DALLAS' Front yard parking

4th Street, CULLODEN, West Virginia, leading to DALLAS' home some 600 feet distant over the wee hill.

*  * * * * * * * * *

I have been experiencing some breathing difficulty the past few weeks.  No breathing problems walking - some 6 to 10 miles daily - just difficulty when lying prone.  Am maintaining medication prescribed, but also have a persistent lower throat / lung cough.

Must get back on the road where all becomes normal again ... and where I will lose the added weight while receiving wholesome daily meals.  Am down to the final belt buckle hole which will never do.

Was doing great while dancing with SALLY,; ... Alas, she has been taken away ... SSssoooo,

Plan "B" ...