Thursday, July 30, 2015

POST 1468; BELLINGHAM, WA; 07-30-15

Yesterday morning, Bob exclaimed that SPIA had an exhaust leak

Yesterday, SPIA received new engine exhaust system parts to replace the broken tail pipe and small muffler, both severely damaged from an apparent (unknown) collision pushing the tail pipe clear into the innerds of the muffler. 

This discovery changed the apparent cause of our Saturday accident with SPIA.  It now appears that I did NOT fall asleep while driving, but more likely was OVERCOME by SPIA exhaust gasses, causing me to momentarily pass out, losing control of SPIA.  A similar "incident" happened on the freeway approaching Minneapolis, Minnesota some 4 weeks ago...and, I numerous times since, fought losing consciousness while driving.

 ... and Yes, I have for more than 1.5 years, experienced a growing general weakness and lethargic condition.  I contributed this degredation to ..."an old man perhaps overdoing...walking too far ... working too hard ... or becoming effected by increasing care taking responsibilities or growing concern for the care and safety of others.

My personal Doctor has taken this new information ... being overcome by Carbon Monoxide ... as serious and has ordered new bloods tests which I will take tomorrow (Friday) at 12:30 pm (noon)... this to verify no Carbon Monoxide remains in my blood.

About the new STRUTS ???  They will be installed tomorrow morning.  This task will return SPIA to known full operational condition.

The recent events, including a botched drive to YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, has incurred costs exceeding $1,000.00.  LES SCHWAB (provider of the new STRUTS) has gratiously extended monthly terms which is very much appreciated.  THANK YOU !

Bob is settling nicely into his new home . receiving LOTS of visitors.  I am very pleased for him, and have loaned many special paintings and some furniture pieces to fill out the comfort and beauty of his home.

Tomorrow SPIA and ME will be packed, ready to continue our Walk and Ride.  More than one has asked me to stay.  Will take a VERY special lady to pull that off ... but why not ?

* * * * * * * * * *

Talking to DALLAS back home in CULLODEN, both he and CAROL are doing well; doing OK for the time being says Dallas.  So, no immediate rush for me to return on their score.

My "Dancing" lady has left West Virginia with Claude; so, that relationship has been resolved.  I am very pleased for her as she has fought for their acceptence for a long time.  Must accept it, Suzie.  We care for her no less.

One more hurdle (tomorrow's Carbon Monoxide Blood Test) to vault; then my mind and body will be fully healed ready for any and all eventualities.

LISBON to BEIJING walk is becoming a high priority.

We Shall See.

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