Tuesday, August 11, 2015

POST 1469; PROSSER, WASH;AUG 11, 2015

Impossible but true that for two months I have been helping Bob Young move into his new (old) home and removing the jungle outside.

Have twisted Bob's arm to allow me to clear away his half-acre of jungle that has overgrown the entire place with berry vines, ivy, and just plain weeds ... some 20 feet or more tall.

Clean up came to an end this morning exactly when my West Virginia friend, Dallas asked me to return to CULLEDON by the 21st when he under goes full knee replacement.  I have been with Dallas, you see, since September 2014 helping fight his way through worsening Diabetis.

In lieu of walking so much, seems I am spending much more time helping folks.  For example, Bob Young invited me to hang out at his new (old) home as he moved in.  I kept busy helping the actual move in...AND spent a few weeks clearing away his "jungle".  I previously spent 8 months helping folks recover from Hurricane IRENE - devestation of Outer Banks, North Carolina.

Of course, I NEVER accept remuneration (payment - of any kind) for my meagre efforts.

I have enjoyed a fulfilled life of plenty.  As a 80 - plus year old man, I have chosen to Stop to smell the roses AND help others where I am permitted. 

My Host Bob only minutes out of eye surgery.  Bob received much improved sight while I was allowed to take some weight-lifting tasks off his hands.

Bob is now much improved and has agreed that I should be on my way to give Dallas a hand.

I actually attempted to drive to West Virginia a week ago, but an automobile accident cut that effort short.  Having survived that accident (see prior blog), I am again on my way driving to West Virginia.

The Oregon Scenery in the following images is from m prior effort to reach West Virginia.

Scene from Immigrant Pass some 15 miles South of Pendelton Oregon.

Each morning Bob Young is visited by up to four wild deer.  This young lady is sometimes stretched out full asleep as I go about my jungle clean up not more than 15 feet away.

* * * * * * * * * *

Am at McD in Prosser, Washington, which is open 24 / 7.  Unusual are the eight electrical outlets for Wi-Fi folks.  Many such electrical outlets are not available at McD ...Wi-Fi, yes, but not electrical outet.

Strange !!!

Tomorrow it is early to rise heading to connect up with I-80 just outside Salt Lake City for our continued drive to West Virginia.


  1. Keep up the Good work..and many Blessings to you and the people who stand in your presence

  2. Bruce, thank you for all of your help. You did an incredible job. I wish you the best and Dallas a speedy recovery. Eat more veggies!

    Love you brother,

