Monday, November 9, 2015

POST 1476; GREENBRIER, W. Virginia; 11-09-15

A cold rainy front has descended over us last night as we enjoyed walking to the historic college town of Lewisburg, West Virginia.  Walking US 60, we are paralleling Interstate 64...the same as fronts the home of Dallas back in Culledon.

We are so very fortunate (SAM - the Cart, SPIA - the vehicle, and ME) to be invited to share the afternoon, evening, overnight, and this morning with Jackie and hubby Joe, their family and friends.  As wonderful as it is to meet and break bread with such wonderful folks, it is doubly difficult to say Good Bye as we continue our journey.  Jackie says it for me..."we can always look forward to finding each other in the tomorrows to come" .

Please say HELLO to Jackie, my Hostess and new friend.  We two sat up in their magnificent elegant home till wee hours sharing exciting life-stories.  Jackie, a special lady, is 60 going on 32 years old...a true heart-stopper ! 

Rainelle City Hall.  Rainelle sits on the Eastern slope of the high steep hills of the gorgeous Allegheny Mountains.  From here we gradually descend into the plains and marshes taking us to the sandy beaches of the Atlantic Ocean some 100 miles distant.

Rainelle business as Route 60 lazily passes trough.

A railroad Caboose, tenderly restored to inform and please future generations...displayed next to Rainelle City Hall.  In days long ago, the Caboose was the "Office" of the train conductor, hanging on as "tail-end Charlie" of all freight trains.  Modern communications have made "Conductors" go the way of the Dinosaurs, taking the Caboose with them.

The next small village after Rainelle as US 60 threads it's way East to the Sea.

Harvested West Virginia LOGS storage yard await shipment (...perhaps to China??? )

Say HELLO to a LOCAL resident getting warm at the SHELL Gas Station where US 60 crosses over I-64.  The cold front has caused everyone to bundle up.

The building in the background  - the previous time SAM and ME walked this way, was a thriving flower producing business...many customer-cars parked out front.  Today it seems empty and forlorn under an inhospitable sky.

US 60

A vast Sand and Gravel pit...

...producing cement for construction sites near and far.  This is Sunday;  it "rests" today, but in the morrow, busy laden trucks will crowd US 60 in both directions.

Driveway to a palatial farm house.  As the hills become smaller and fewer between, lush green fields fill the surrounding panorama of the growing number of ever larger farms.

A "designer" Pond sporting a easy-on-the-eyes water fountain.

Two years ago, SAM and ME found the small bench of this abandoned gas station a comfy dry (it was raining cats and dogs) refuge for the night.

US 60 finding it's way through old-town Lewisburg.

Civil War Battle for to enlarge.

Memorable place where Jackie and Joe and I met.

Jackie and Joe... home...

Just swallowed the Canary...thank you ever so much for making our saga important.

Looking from the fireplace toward the awesome kitchen.

...true designer kitchen where Joe prepared a delicious breakfast for we-three this morning.

Jackie's fine jewelry business.  We tried to take a number of photographs of the crew, including Son Troy and Daughter Jody;  alas the camera refused to function yet again.

* * * * * * * * * *

In a pouring rain, we arrive at the famous golf resort GREENGRIAR, West Virginia.

The restaurant of April's Pizzaria, has welcomed us to create this blog update in the warmth and comfort of the customer dining room...and enjoy a delicious pasta dish at no charge...Thank You ever so much for your kindness.

In addition we have been invited to over-night in the parking lot.  It is often quite impossible to find overnight parking or a place to pitch our tent.  So, this kindness is of no small consequence.

In the morning, we continue East on US 60, heading for the city of Roanoke...

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