Tuesday, November 10, 2015


It was cold and wet last night in White Sulfur Springs ( GREENBRIAR ), West Virginia, where we ended up spending the night.  Condensation inside SPIA coated the windows and walls, getting everything wet by morning.

Filled 1.5 quarts of pee last night in my emergency bottles...this from medication taken to treat the 1995 heart attack during CRI's 10-year fight against aggressive Breast Cancer.  Lost CRI January 12, 2001, when she lost her battle. 

White Sulfur Springs shopping center wakening from an all-night foggy drizzle..

Morning Coffee Clutch at HARDY's fast-food Restaurant.

In every small town of America as well as every big town neighborhood, this gathering of mostly retired folks is repeated at the local fast food restaurant for a cup of coffee, a light breakfast snack and a couple hour discussion of the news of the day.

A great source to collect the State of the Union as seen by the older generation...many of whom use the moment to get some serious exercise by walking a couple miles to and from the bull session...

...this one held at...

HARDY's in White Sulfur Spring, West Virginia.

HARDYs Service Center...

...and Customer dining area.

The Virginia border is a short 4 miles East on Interstate 64 from White Sulfur Springs......where

I stopped at the Vehicle Welcome Center to lodge a complaint and discuss the fact that the DOT (Department of Transportation) has incorporated the US 60 roadway into I-64, effectively blocking any way for pedestrians, bicycles, etc., from reaching West Virginia.

 Virginia I-64 Interstate prohibits any except cars and trucks to use the interstate.

There is NO alternate roadway to replace the "stolen" US 60.

Secondary roadways such as US 64, are narrow, often poorly maintained and exceedingly dangerous for both vehicles AND pedestrians.  Interstates are many times safer than secondary roadways.

Many states request that pedestrians, etc. actually USE the interstate roadways to walk, bike, etc.

States encouraging foot-traffic on their Interstates include:  Wyoming, North Dakota, Idaho, Montana, among others.

Near Roanoke, Virginia, 87 Octane ( Regular ) gas sells for $1.85 per gallon.

At this gas station, foot traffic from US 60 is terminated, as US 60 is incorporated into I-64 at Virginia I-64 Exit 10...i.e., 10 miles from West Virginia.  US 60 is given back as a Secondary Pedestrian Roadway at White Sulfur Springs. 

I-64 Exit 10.

US 60 becomes part of I-64 at this interchange.

SPIA parked along side US 60.  From here I walk out 5 miles and walk back to SPIA - a total of 10 miles.  I then drive SPIA 10 miles forward, park, and repeat my walk.  In this manner I cross America, walking the 3,000 plus miles.  If I had the pleasure of a driver, I could walk without doubling back to fetch and move SPIA. 

18 - Wheeler bearing down on me mere inches away.  Most secondary two lane roadways have NO berm outside the white painted line marking the edge of the active vehicle roadway...a most intimating and exceedenly dangerous encounter   Passing trucks have often actually brushed against my shirt sleeve...and at least 10 times I have lept over the guard rail to avoid being struck.  On deep south narrow bridges I have often climbed into the steel girders, hanging out over the river below, to avoid being crushed by passing vehicles.

Yes, walking has it's very real dangers.  Walking Interstate modern spacious highways would be a dream come true.

Interstate signs posted at every on-ramp.

A modern efficient mini-supermarket near the Virginia city of Covington.  I have stopped to shop at this store on each of my five walks on this stretch of US 60.

...a look inside.

...food preparation and sales area of the mini supermarket.

On one walk past this spot, an 18-wheeler wrecked itself rounding this curve.

Jackson River, Covington, Virginia.

Downtown Covington, where I enjoyed a delicious bowl of chicken noodle soup on a rainy afternoon.

Christmas Tree Decorations in the window of a Covington merchant shop.

Covington City Hall.

Virginia State Police Cruiser.

Where US 220 heads South from US 60, heading for Roanoke, Virginia.

Will drive the 40 miles to reach a place to prepare today's Blog before darkness falls.

* * * * * * * * * *

Must now search for a place to park SPIA for the night.

In the morning, will Walk and Roll toward the North Carolina City of Roanoke Rapids and on to US 64 which will take us to our destination of Columbia, North Carolina, where Craig is expecting us sometime this weekend.

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