Thursday, November 12, 2015

POST 1478; COLUMBIA,N.C.; 11-12-15

Is now 48 hours since our most recent blog update posting.  We have rushed the final 300 or so miles, reaching Columbia, North Carolina at dusk yesterday evening, taking the back roads of Virginia and North find dinner waiting .

Today has been a day of renewing old friendships, taking tons of pictures and processing over 100 pics in preparation of today's blog update.

Yes, I am very pooped from our Walk and Roll from West Virginia.  It has, after all, been over one year since our last serious journey.  It will take three months to regain stamina and confidence to walk and roll a marathon and a quarter each day as we have done the majority of the past four-plus years.

Have decided, therefore to publish with images of the "drive" and many short distance walks from Roanoke to Columbia...leaving my narrative 'til tomorrow morning.

SAM, SPIA, and ME are all in excellent health, pleased to be safe and welcomed in the beautiful home of Craig and son, Carson....until tomorrow, then...nite nite...

watching 18-wheelers passing thru PILOT Truck Stop.  We spent the night here.

Lowest price 87 octane we found was $1.85 per gallon.

18-wheelers which spent the night at PILOT Truck Stop.

Lunenburg County Courthouse.

Walked this way five times.  This Grocery has always been CLOSED.

Two years ago, walked through Lawreceville, where the City Mayor put us up for the night in City Hall.  Today, stopped in and again thanked Mayor Bill for his kindness. He was pleased to see SAM and ME again.

Lawrenceville Main Street.

City Hall.

Local Trivia...Origin of BRUNSWICK STEW.

Cotton Ball ready for harvest...

Millions more Cotton Balls ready for harvest.

SAM and ME were put up by the Sheriff at Jackson Baptist Church when we Walked and Rolled thru Jackson, North Carolina two years ago.

County Courthouse.

Our destination, Columbia, North Carolina...home to our friend Craig and his Son, Carson.

Columbia City Park on the banks of the SCUPPERNONG River

Hurricane IRENE of 2011.  SAM and ME stayed eight months volunteering our time and effort helping the OUTER BANKS (Rodantha) clean up and restore massive damage caused by IRENE.

I personally spent some $10,000.00 in that effort...$4,000.00 of which is yet to be paid off from my American Express Card.  I had NO $$ at the time, so I used my Credit Card...and was pleased to do so.

We have also "donated" our time and $$ to assist friend Dallas Lovejoy this recent year to struggle his way to fight advancing Diabetes.  Dallas married three weeks ago.  His new bride took over direct assistance and so released SAM and ME to continue our nearly five year saga walking and rolling the highways of America.

We have also stopped to help others - for which we refuse to accept any $$ ...  our contribution to assist others in need as we continue our journey.

Columbia Boardwalk along the SCUPPERNONG Riverfront.

Spent many hours strolling the Boardwalk with Craig's Wife, Karen ESTEY as she fought the final months of her years' - long  battle against aggressive Breast Cancer.

While SAM and ME were Walking and Rolling across Texas back in 2010, Karen contacted us, asking if we could make our way to Columbia - where I sit in MY room at this moment some five years later - .  as she felt a kinship because of my sharing stories of years with my wife, CHRISTIANE's (CRI ) long fight against her aggressive Breast Cancer...a fight she lost January 12, 2001.

Craig lost Karen December 28, 2013.

We continue to come "home" to visit Craig as our journey allows.

Following are some Columbia places I re-visited today...

Across the street from Craig' home.

Please say HELLO to JUSTIN who helped repair SAM some years ago.  Thank you again.  Your "fix" is still in place after some thousands more miles as SAM and ME crisscross America.

Click to enlarge images.

I ALWAYS get my haircut ($8.00) from C.L. on each visit - whether I need one or not.

C.L.'s transportation...

... Craig will drop off your picture, Ralph - the bearded ole fellow on the right.

There being no fast food joint for Columbia's old cronies to meet in, this street corner serves.

Most of these oldies remember SAM and ME as we come and go to Columbia.

Highway US 64.

One of two Columbia Restaurants.

SCUPPERNONG Wine Shop...most recently also a place to meet and eat. 

More of the shoreline Boardwalk.

Mural painted on the wall of a downtown business depicting a Blue Heron on the Boardwalk.

Craig and Karen's gracious Southern Home ... now also my sometimes home

Craig, Carson, and Karen's White House on the corner ... scant 100 feet from SCUPPERNONG River.  My room is the far left upper one, with a magnificent river sunset view.

 SPIA is parked below.

* * * * * * * * * * *

SAM is traveling inside SPIA.  Plan to walk locally pushing SAM, photographing and blogging as we go.

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