Thursday, November 19, 2015


Walking the nearby  - country - roadways of the village of Columbia, North Carolina, we find many residents live close with nature ... much of the land is a mere six inches above the surrounding SCUPPERNONG River waters, which itself flows at Sea Level.  A modest rain, especially coupled with a bit of wind, results in flooding roads, fields, homes, and businesses. 

Situated on the northern shoreline of Pamlico Sound, Columbia is surrounded by forested marshes, connected by man made and natural waterways.  My Host, Craig, has taken to daily walks and runs sharing  the local boardwalk and nature trails with the profusion of wild animals.

"Yes", Craig states, more than a few snakes use the trails ... "I just stop until they go their own way...".

City Park next to US 64 Bridge crossing the SCUPPERNONG River to the village of Columbia in the distance.

City Park at Sea Level ... from the SCUPPERNONG Bridge.

Old US 64 causeway over a portion of the marsh bordering the City Park and the SCUPPERNONG River.

Forested Marsh

Village of Columbia seen across the SCUPPERNONG River from the abandoned Old US 64 bridge.

US 64 Highway.

Looking like a field of grass, the flat area is an algae covered swamp which continues into the forest of trees.

Paris, France Headlines on Friday 13, 2015 attacks by Islam Militants.

US 94 Highway gas station and Deli.  US 94 joins US 64 through Columbia before continuing through the marshes of Pamlico Sound.

Many beautiful - and some not-so-beautiful - homes of Pamlico Sound.

Numerous deep drainage ditches create water-free farm land where marshes recently dominated.

Virtually every roadway has water-filled canals along side.

Roadside shrubbery.

US 64 on ramp with rumble strip to keep drivers from the water filled ditches along side.

Worker installing new advertising on a roadside bill board.

Columbia from the bridge.  The far distant white home is that of Craig.  My second floor room looks out over the SCUPPERNONG River ... including the bridge.

Columbia home of Dolores and Willie, who invited me to Sunday Lunch in their modest but beautifully appointed home.

Please say HELLO to Dolores and Willie.

Courthouse and town offices.

Please say HELLO to Gene, who heads the Register Of Deeds in the Courthouse.

Missionary Baptist Church.

A typical neighborhood Canal flowing through Columbia.  Water level of this canal is about six inches below the yard level...and yes, it floods often.

Fire Hall (across the road from the previous photo).

Roadside Canal.  These fields are cris-crossed by deep drainage canals.

Red Wolf Care Facility near Columbia.

18-wheeler hauling logs to market.

* * * * * * * * * *

I have been walking every day since arriving in Columbia one week ago.  10 miles or so is about all I can handle at the moment in a single effort.  It takes some three weeks to regain my stamina to walk long distances.

Then too, I have had two recent accidents resulting in head concissions ... and possible spinal damage in the neck area. 

I tripped - in pitch blackness - over the computer electrical cord, sending me flying head first into the heavy (loaded) Dresser Drawers.  In the dark, my head slammed the VERY HEAVY piece of furniture 1.5 feet into the adjacent wall.  Momentarily stunned, my left shoulder bone was lifted 1/2 inch higher than the right, and remains so some three weeks later.  Walking is painful to my neck.  Should probably check in to ER.  Hesitate to do so in fear they will imprison me in ICU, claiming I am having "another" Heart Attack ... or worse.

Got things to do and places to go.  No time to be wasted incarcerated in some hospital !

Also, am losing my night vision.  Have a Saturday appointment at 1:00 pm in the Outer Banks NAGS HEAD Offices of Dr. Blakemore.   Dr. Blakemore performed surgery on my eyes some three years ago and has looked out for me since.

For now, will remain with Craig, Carson, and Augie, in Columbia.  Cold weather is setting in and am made comfy and welcome in this, my second home.

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