Saturday, November 21, 2015


Once again, it is time to move on.  Our visit with Craig and Carson has been short, but as always pleasant reconnecting with old friends and finding new ones.

My little - younger - Sister, Millie of Knoxville, Tennessee lost her husband, Walt, to an automobile accident a few days ago.  Millie has asked me to join her for Thanksgiving Day ...just She and Me.  As we have not been together for some years, I very much look forward to reach Knoxville this coming Wednesday - four days hence. 

Today I have a 1:00 pm appointment with my Eye Doctor, Dr. Blakemore in Nags Head, Outer Banks, North Carolina, some 40 miles from Columbia.  Have been invited to visit friends in Wave, Outer Banks, later today and tomorrow Sunday.  On Monday, will make my way to Knoxville.

Please say HELLO to friends Sheri and hubby John of Columbia.  Yesterday we continued our ongoing discussion of extra terrestrials thought to be inbound aboard their planet, NIBIRU. 

Controversial for certain; ... coincidental at best; ... NIBIRU inhabitants, by virtue of their ancient (some 8,000 years ago) written SUMARIAN Tablets, offer stimulating possibilities ... only partly because they apparently call their 3,600 year period planet "HEAVEN". 

The internet offers considerable information on Planet NIBIRU.

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