Thursday, November 26, 2015

POST 1482; KNOXVILLE, TN; 11-26-15

Please say HELLO to Sister Mildred (Milly), now 73 years old, living on the banks of the Tennessee River near the FORT LOUDOUN Dam. 

Spending a few days with Millie over the Thanksgiving Holiday, we took a long tour of the TVA Project  towns and TVA River facilities near Knoxville, Tennessee.

TVA history may be found at

Sister Millie (Mick) playing Tour Guide.

SPIA (1995 MAZDA) parked at Millie's beautiful Log Home overlooking Tennessee River Lake FORT LOUDOUN

View of Lake FORT LOUDOUN as seen from my room at Sister Millie's.  Photograph taken before sunrise this morning.

FORT LOUDOUN Dam ... ; the most up-river TVA dam, completed in 1943.  There is no navigation beyond this point (Knoxville, Tennessee).

Please say HELLO to RUBEN holding the WALLEYE he caught in the out-flow from the Spillway of  FORT LOUDOUN DAM.

Waters rising behind TVA dams displaced more than 15,000 families who left behind the grain SILOS above.  More SILOS were here and there poking out of the lake Millie and I visited today.

Countless homes, marinas, restaurants have been built on the extensive shore line of the TVA project.

Popular CALHOUN's Restaurant.

Tennessee River viewed from the highway bridge spanning the Tennessee River above FORT BOUDOUN DAM.

Barn overlooking the Tennessee River.

1802 Church - part of the UNDER GROUND RAILWAY smuggling Slaves in Civil War Era.

Distant Blue Ridge Mountains...looking East toward North Carolina.

More Farm SILOS flooded be TVA Project.

Vintage Water Tower.

Tennessee River Cove from Millie's home looking toward FORT BOUDOUN Dam ... unseen in the distant mist.

* * * * * * * * * *

In a few moments we will share our Turkey Thanksgiving Din Din.

Wishing a safe and blessed holiday to all.

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