Friday, November 27, 2015

POST 1483; KNOXVILLE, TN.; 11-27-15

It is hard to perceive the beauty of the Tennessee River TVA Project ... miles and miles of shoreline hosting unending designer homes with magnificent views.  The river itself, like the trunk of a massive tree with many branches ( Coves ), themselves with palacial homes standing shoulder to shoulder on steep river banks... many with small floating boathouses protecting spotless yachts and powerful fishing boats.

Please say HELLO to Coleen and Clayton, neighbors of Sister Millie, out for their daily doggy walk on steep, curving, forested country / mountain roads.

Love your Hat, Coleen !

Small Cove branching from the "trunk" of the Tennessee River.

Millie's home is a bit to the left of the Cove ... yet, with a view looking over the cove and far down the main Tennessee River Channel., which reaches the Mississippi River some 600 miles down stream.

Typical hill top home looking over the Main River Channel.

Driveway goddess welcoming visitors.

A tree bent nearly flat by a long ago tree falling on it when it was young.  Many such dis-configured trees are seen in the hardwood forests.

Private Driveway climbing from the main roadway to a splendid home hidden from view.

Another Cove leading from the Tennessee River Channel when one of the 29 Hydro electric dams flooded valleys far back into the hills of Tennessee; ... Coves now becoming stunning neighborhoods with endless waterfront.

One "designer" home more exquisite than the next one; all with seclusion and views to dream of.

A tree in the process of dying.

Stockpile of Water Pipe waiting for the start of the project to bring "City" water to the country folk ... who currently use water from private drilled wells.

Very hilly near the river, affording spectacular views for nearly every one.

Yes, good fishing too.

Home of Sister Millie ... SPIA parked to the left.

Front yard designer plant ...

* * * * * * * * * *

Having enjoyed Thanksgiving with Sister Millie, it is once again time to Walk and Roll.

In the morning we say goodbye; Millie to prepare her gorgeous home for the Spring Market  ... and SAM, SPIA and ME to find new treasures and friends while traveling to the tiny town of SOSO (near LAUREL, Mississippi).

That, before walking and rolling West to Bakersfield, California, thence North on the Pacific Ocean Coast to the USA / CANADA border crossing at Blaine, Washington ... thus completing USA Crossing number fourteen - and some 33,000 miles on foot!

1 comment:

  1. bruce

    nice pics, glad your doing well, very cold weather here in the west, just got dumped on with 8"snow here in Idaho over turkey day. stay warm be carefull

