Monday, November 30, 2015

POST 1484; MC CALLE,ALABAMA;11-30-15

The huge storm has reached into the South East.  Been raining off and on since we left Knoxville.  Culloden (Dallas' home), West Virginia,even had a few inches snow.

We stayed at Flying J Truck Stop, McCalla, Alabama, last night ... about 50 miles South of Birmingham on I-59

As we have SPIA, Truck Stops offer a free safe place for overnight with food and showers available; all very welcome.  Sure beats sleeping in a cold damp tent.

Two nights ago we over nighted at a Truck Stop near Chattanooga, Tennessee.  SPIA's motor has developed a MORNING stutter on startup.  Probably the high humidity with all this rain.  Only stuttered once, so trusting it will be OK.

We sneaked into the State of Georgia for a few miles; otherwise, we spent the day cruising down Highway 11 (paralleling I-59), enjoying the countryside and gorgeous estates sprinkled along the way.

Not many ranches as the one pictured above.

Surprising number of Cattle ranches along Highway 11.

This looks very much like an abandoned Gas Station ... perhaps converted into a nice looking home.

Typical estate home in Alabama.  A number are advertised FOR SALE.

Nice LEAN TO to come home to ...

All in all, Alabama is a comfy pleasant State.

*  * * * * * * * * * *

Today we continue on Route 11, following I-59 to the city of Laurel, Mississippi.  Nearby is the tiny village of SOSO, home to friend Julius (Mr. Gavin), Author and Retailer (with Wife and Sister-In-Law) of some VERY fine Southern Antiques.   He purports to have every poisonous snake as most-of-the-time residents on his properties.  Perhaps this visit he will introduce one to me. 

I have lived in and visited many environs where choosy vipers live.  So far, I have NEVER met up with a live one in his natural habitat.


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