Sunday, December 6, 2015

POST 1489; CORPUS CHRISTI, TX.; 12-06-15

As hoped, walked the town and waterfront of Fort Lavaca this morning, taking a few photographs posted below.

Since is Sunday, visited a local Southern Baptist, which was well attended.  The Service was well planned backed by video.  A number of the Congregation participated resulting in an interesting and informative sermon.

See next photograph for an explanation of the above Civil War Scene.

Boat Launch Facilities.

Being directly on the Gulf Of Mexico, boating is nearby and year-round.

Fort Lavaca Main Street.

Most businesses are closed - Out Of Business ... the buildings have fallen into disrepair.

Town Theatre ... now serving as a Church.

Another converted Retail Shop housing the Southern Baptist Church I attended this morning.

Grabbed a bite of lunch after Church; then drove to the City of Corpus Christi where we are once again in the Parking Lot of WALLMART.

Errant shot while driving in traffic.

U S of A and TEXAS State Flags flying side by side.

* * * * * * * * * *

Tomorrow we continue toward the City of BROWNSVILLE. There are many small towns near Brownsville, so plan to do some walking and blogging before turning North toward EL PASO, Texas.

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