Monday, December 7, 2015

POST 1490; MC ALLEN, TEXAS; 12-07-15

The best laid plans ... etc.

A look at the MAP below reveals two truths:

1.  Route 77 (RED Vertical Line) is essentially the ONLY route near the Gulf Of Mexico heading South to the City of BROWNSVILLE, Texas; and.

2.  The BROWNSVILLE area (Southern TIP of Texas) is VERY CONGESTED .

We drove Route 77 to within one block of the Mexican Border only to find massive traffic.  We finally gave up searching a place to take pictures; returned North on Route 77 to Interstate 2 at the town of HARLINGEN.  We turned onto Interstate 2, Stopping at Mc Donalds in the City of McAllen, where we are preparing this Post Update.

In a few moments, will race back to the WALLMART we passed a mile or so back, where we will park for the night.

Sea Wall Dike protecting the City Of Corpus Christi.

The land for 100 miles diameter between Corpus Christi ans Brownsville is FLAT Farming Land with a black loamy soil.

Did NO walking today.

Spent considerable time finding our way.

This corner of America is deceptively CROWDED.  Roadways are filled FULL.  Roadsides are as a continuous MALL.

Warm it is; Am surprised to find such crowded places.

Glad we have visited, but too helter skelter for me.

* * * * * * * * * *

Hate to cut this short, but it is nearly dark.  My effort is to be settled for the night before Sunset.

"Tomorrow Is Another Day..." as noted in GONE WITH THE WIND ...

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