Sunday, December 27, 2015

POST 1506; TILLAMOOK, OREGON; 12-27-2015

From WINCHESTER BAY to TILLAMOOK, Oregon was a fitful experience.

First, we are essentially out of $$.  We HAD $130.00 yesterday morning morning last 600 miles for SPIA and until January 03, 2016 'til next SSC $$ from Uncle SAM (World War II title of US Government)  arrives.

Second, Snow is forecast ... and SPIA without Snow Chains or "Traction Tires".

Third, I lost my WALLET transferring it from my DEEP Inside Security Pocket to my outside Jacket pocket.  For one hour I retraced our route actually took since my WALLET went missing --- no WALLET.  A true disaster of monumental proportions.

Made one last inside-the-car search; low and behold it was wedged between the drivers front seat on the floor between the seat guide and the door post ... hanging partway out the driver side door.

Truly, SOMEONE is watching out for ME.

Rain was so intense - with a scattering of SNOW at higher elevations- photographs were difficult if not impossible.

Part of the roadway had slid (dropped hundreds of feet) into the PACIFIC OCEAN.  Looked to have happened some days ago.

US 101 is in trouble in many places.  Beside being steep on either side in some places, the abundance of rain this year has not helped to keep the roadway stable ... and Winter began only 6 days ago.

Under the rain, ICE sometimes lingered;  It has been COLD. 

Discovered that breathing (while sleeping) in the vehicle with windows CLOSED causes breath CONDENSATION to cover not only the inside of SPIAs windows, but also coats my Blankets, Pillows and clothes left uncovered.  Not pleasant to be sleeping in damp bed clothes, but nasty to don wet clothes in a near freezing vehicle.  Will leave a couple windows cracked (slightly open) to hopefully dissipate the warm breath to minimize condensation.

Will also try to keep my dry clothes covered, dry, and warm.

Typical village view. 

Best we could do for now.

OREGON US 101 Bridges follow a general theme ... all quite pleasing to look at.

I know ,,, not much in the way of photographs today; and this part of OREGON is quite beautiful.  Perhaps we will come this way another time.

We still have some 400 miles to reach Bellingham.  Bob has his couch waiting for our arrival.

Hope I have not cut my $$ calculations too short.  SPIA is a bit much for me to PUSH.

  * * * * * * * * * *

So as to avoid interrupting NEW YEAR EVE festivities, plan to show up at Bobs on January 02, 2016.

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