Tuesday, December 29, 2015


I have been coming to LONG BEACH, Washington as early as 1939.  I thought I knew this Peninsula rather well, but this morning I learned yet one more lesson.

I almost never drove, so was not aware of route options ON and OFF the Worlds Longest Beach.
Filling SPIA with GAS, a local assured me that US 103 was an optional route Off the Northern end of the Peninsula.  After driving some 60 miles, discovered Highway 103 ended in a dead end.

I did discover the PORT OF PENINSULA and the it's OYSTER growing - processing operation and three new - new to ME - towns of OCEAN PARK, NEHCOTTA, and OYSTERVILLE, so the error of my ways turned POSITIVE after all.


When in doubt, check the MAP.  My MAP clearly shows actuality ... had I chosen NOT to accept a stranger's information ... which turned out to be wrong. 


Receiving TONI's personal attention, I witnessed some actual work activity and considerable knowledge about rearing of OYSTERS in WILLIPA BAY, Washington.

When I was a youngster - before World War Two, Oyster Industry was MASSIVE in Washington State.  I remember "mountains of OYSTER SHELLS" along shorelines of Washington's shallow Salt Water BAYS.  Today - 2015 - not so many "mountains of OYSTER SHELLS" are to be found

Oyster Shells normally measure 6 to 10 inches LONG and 3 to 4 inches WIDE and 1 to 2 inches deep ... providing a very satisfactory mouth full of edible Oyster Meat.

A TALE of my Wife, JOANIE ( who passed away a few years back):  Walking hand in hand, on the beaches of HOOD CANAL (The NAVAL BASE for TRIDENT SUBMARINES today), Oysters were so plentiful, we had to be careful not to step on them.  JOANIE carefully selected her OYSTER, lifted it from where it lay on the sandy - rocky beach; Inserting her OYSTER Knife - always at hand - between the shell halves; giving a good twist of her wrist, popped open the shell.  JOANIE then cut the OYSTER MUSCLE attaching the meat to the shell ...swishing the handful of meat in the salty sea water washed out the sand... popping the live dripping critter into her mouth ... swallowing the whole thing in one gulp. 

PORT OF PENINSULA OYSTER FLEET.  Piles of SHELLS can be seen on the far bank.

A Dump Truck transferring a load of "crushed Shells" onto a barge waiting below.

These crushed shells will be taken by barge to the selected Oyster bed, where they will be off-loaded by sluicing

(SLUICING = Washing the shells with Sea Water under high pressure over the side of the Barge).
The multitude of fertile Oysters waiting  below will nearly immediately fertilize the "BED". In 5 years or so, Adult Oysters will be harvested from that BED.

The above image appears to be a "TIDAL DRY DOCK".  To work on the BOTTOM of fishing boats, the boat is positioned above the wood beams at high tide.  When the Tide goes OUT, the boat settles onto the wood Beams, keeping the boat bottom free of the shallow water between the beams.  Workers now have easy access to the bottom of the boat to perform the task needed.

Such "Dry Docks" used to be commonplace.  New equality laws now PROHIBIT this practice.  ALL under water maintenance MUST be performed in enclosures - often even in an enclosed building - where contaminants must be captured and disposed of under close inspection.

Above wire BOXES are modern CRAB POTS.  Harvesting CRABS is one more critter governed by a host of "LAWS".

OYSTER SHELLS awaiting their turn to return to Oyster Beds to do their bit.

Local BOG of CRANBERRIES.  I do not know much about the CRANBERRY Industry.

Knowledge being POWER, I need to gain a bit more CRANBERRY Knowledge !

Functional fastener free Cedar Rail Fence.

The trees are enshrouded in live growing MOSS;

MOSS is native to very wet regions, such as the huge Rain Forest on the Olympic Peninsula, which we will visit tomorrow.


US 101 as it enters SOUTH BEND.

The small town of SOUTH BEND, located at the Headwaters of WILLIPA BAY, which we have visited this morning and in the above images and narrative.

Walkway - sometimes called a GANGPLANK.

ALL Forest products are carefully managed and protected.

* * * * * * * * * *

We are fortunate to find both MAC D and WAL-MART to settle into tonight.

From here, the next 5 days will take us to less-traveled roadways ... specifically, the OLYMPIC PENINSULA RAIN FOREST and isolated PACIFIC OCEAN Coastal Indian Villages.

OH Yes, we are down to $35.00.  Next 5 days will be on Water and COLD CEREAL.  Monday, January 04, 2016 will see the $$ roll into our Credit Card once again.

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