Thursday, June 23, 2016

POST 1523; JUNE 23, 2016; BURNS, OREGON

Yes, it really is SAM AND ME again back among the living.

I have recovered a major part of the Stroke suffered some months ago, but I am still cautious when  negotiating uneven / unfamiliar ground..

Since the Stroke, I have driven cross country four times alone and without incident.

I have volunteered to help a friend move from her home, including cleaning of her large palatial home and into a Senior residential community apartment.

 The last three months have found me volunteering as grounds-keeper with a "ART" Community of some 20 performers - CIRCUS Oriented - living and working to perfect routines taken on the road nationally and internationally.  My work has been not only "voluntary". ...   I "donated" $175.00 monthly to the Community  for the privilege to work with them.

These activities allowed me to stay "employed" during my recovery period of the past 6 months.

I felt it has been appropriate to take time to work through the injury period of two concussions and the stroke before resuming this blog.  My (your) BLOG has therefor suffered from SILENCE.

During this same calendar time, my doctors turned away from me; i.e" ALL my medical (Medicare) activity has STOPPED.   I receive NO Doctor appointments, or medication, including prescription medication.  Since hours after the stroke, I have been "medically" on my own.

AND SO,  this brings us to today :

Friends and family have been standing by to see what SAM AND ME do next.

We are in BURNS, Oregon.  MONICA, BEN and the Girls are helping prepare SAM to once again return to the Highways and Byways of America.  We are searching for a small folding COT to add to SAM's equipment.  As things are, I will sleep sitting up in my itty bitty folding chair.

Within the next few days, SAM AND ME will Walk And Roll across America to New York City where we will add that grand city to our saga.

For now, I will renew my own attitude to tune in with psychology of America.


A very short time ago, I was alone ...  adrift ... knowing not who I was and aware of little else.  With  Love and support of those known and unknown we have begun find our way back.

Thank You


  1. We met you at Smiths in Collins, Missouri some time back. I read about your stroke and have often thought of you. I was so glad to see you pop up on Facebook today. Best wishes for you and your journey.

  2. Glad to hear you are doing o.k. Been concerned. EJB

  3. welcome back uncle Bruce was wondering what happen to you you are now my last uncle like to see you hang around awhile yet


  4. Bruce, happy to hear from you again. You're an inspiration. Thanks.
    Jerry Lesniak - Bellingham

  5. Bruce,

    Welcome back to America, the place you have seen, and the place where you belong. You have always been in our thoughts, and prayers, every day. Knowing you, you will have no problem traversing across this great country.

    Now, everyone will get an update from you, and your many, many miles of future travel. Best Wishes from everyone. :)
